
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Healing - IV - On the Nature of

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Esoteric Healing - Chapter IV - Some Questions Answered

On the Nature of CongestionHow can I
define congestion for you when the understanding of force and energy and their
relation to each other in the human body is still as yet an embryonic study? To say that
congestion is congealed force is misleading; to say that it is static energy means little;
to say that it is irregular or non-rhythmic vibration hardly makes sense. My problem is
lack of words and of correct terms in which to carry to you esoteric truth.
Congestion is perhaps best defined as the arresting of the free flow of the force
through the centers or center and throughout the body. It exists in two forms:
That congestion which produces its effect within the center itself, and therefore and
consequently, upon the gland. It is inhibited, either as it pours into the center (when it
does not affect the gland except in a negative sense), or as it leaves it (when its effect
will be positive in some way or another). When the difficulty takes place as it pours into
the center, then the energy is thrown back upon its originating source - either the astral
or mental bodies - and you have a psychological inhibition. There is no impetus from
within to which the allied gland can respond. When the difficulty is in the outlet into
the physical body, you will have no free flow of force, the gland related to the center
will be definitely affected, and either be over-stimulated by the non-rhythmic flow or
undernourished. This in turn affects the glandular secretion and later the blood stream.

That congestion which takes place as the energy or the life force flows throughout the
physical body, and as it flows finds there certain forms of weakness, various diseased
areas and regions where its flow is impeded or too rapidly circulated. The flow of energy
can be arrested in certain areas and can nourish also diseased areas in the body, or can
also cure and cleanse them. A temporary congestion can be of beneficent value as well as a
malefic force. This may surprise you?

Again, I have to repeat how vast is the subject with which we are dealing, and all
these earlier instructions and the answers which I give to the questions only serve to
show how abstruse the matter is. But if you will have patience and will be willing to
learn by absorption more than by analysis, you will later discover that you know much -
intuitively and discriminately.

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