
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Healing - III - The Seven Ray Causes of
Inharmony and Disease

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Esoteric Healing - Chapter III - Our Karmic Liabilities

These are abstruse and difficult concepts, but they should be
pondered upon, and deep reflection will lead to understanding. All disease and ill health
are the result of the activity or the inactivity of one or other of the seven types of
energy as they play upon the human body. All physical ills emerge out of the impact of
these imperfect energies as they make their impact upon, enter into and pass through the
centers in the body. All depends upon the condition of the seven centers in the human
body; through these the impersonal energies play, carrying life, disease or death,
stimulating the imperfections in the body or bringing healing to the body. All depends, as
far as the human being is [305] concerned, upon the condition of the physical body, the
age of the soul and the karmic possibilities.I would ask you not to misinterpret the
significance of the word "imperfection" which I have used so constantly in
relation to the great Beings Who express a divinity unattainable by humanity at any time
upon this particular planet. You must bear in mind that this solar system is the second,
and that in the first solar system the emphasis was laid upon intelligent materiality; the
goal of the highest initiate was to attain complete control over matter, to unfold the
mind principle and to evidence a definite materialism. In these so distant aeons that marked
attainment, whereas in this solar system it marks defeat for humanity. This system,
including all the planets along with our Earth, has a different goal, and the second
divine aspect, that of love, has to be manifested, and manifested through the medium of
matter impregnated with the qualities developed in system one. What was perfection at that
time is not so now. Therefore, the Great Beings which are the sumtotal of all that is, are
working through and in substance, which is already tinged or tainted with that which must
be left behind and subjected to no further unfoldment.
These are the imperfections which we are considering - the seven aspects of intelligent
materiality; it is here that disease has its seat and expression. We are told that the
physical body is not a principle; in the last solar system it was. In this, the principles
are different and it is in the clash between what is and what will be (what wills-to-be)
that we have, upon the physical plane, the causes of disease and death. Ponder on these
matters and bear in mind that you must see the picture upon a large scale, as large a
scale as possible, if there is to be a true understanding of some of the causes of
physical ills and disease. [306]

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