2003 Huntington in health and dis JCI

Neurodegeneration | Serge Przedborski, Series Editor
Huntingtin in health and disease
Anne B. Young
Neurology Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
J. Clin. Invest. 111:299 302 (2003). doi:10.1172/JCI200317742.
After linkage of the Huntington disease (HD) gene was lular components is loose, since during the process of
found in 1983, it took ten years of work by an interna- differential centrifugation huntingtin can be separat-
tional group to identify the mutation in the gene inter- ed from them (10, 12). The protein contains several
esting transcript 15 (IT15) that causes the disease (1, 2). caspase cleavage sites (8). Yeast two-hybrid screening
HD is an autosomal dominant inherited neurodegen- studies have shown that huntingtin binds to a number
erative disease that becomes manifest in midlife and of proteins, including Hap-1, ą-adaptin, and several
causes progressive motor, psychiatric, and cognitive dys- others (7, 13, 14). Additional studies found that hunt-
function. It is invariably terminal. HD symptoms can ingtin binds to GAPDH (15). Huntingtin was also
begin as early as 2 years or as late as 90 years, although recently shown to associate with PSD95, a protein
the average age of onset is in the late 30s and early 40s. found at the postsynaptic membrane and involved in
If a child inherits the gene from his or her father, a phe- anchoring of receptor proteins, particularly the
nomenon called anticipation frequently occurs, where- N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (16).
by the child s age of onset is lower than the father s (3). The huntingtin protein is necessary for normal devel-
The IT15 gene is composed of 67 exons and encodes a opment in mice, as knockouts do not survive beyond
protein of 3,144 amino acids, called huntingtin (2). day 7 8 of embryogenesis (17 19). Conditional knock-
Exon 1 contains a CAG trinucleotide repeat that outs, in which the gene is turned off during adulthood,
encodes the amino acid glutamine, followed by anoth- develop a neurodegenerative disease (20). Recently, cell
er repeat that encodes proline. In unaffected individu- models of huntingtin expression revealed that the wild-
als, there are 10 34 CAG repeats. In those affected by type protein partially protects cells from noxious stim-
HD, there are more than 40 repeats. In those with 35 39 uli or from mutant huntingtin (21). Huntingtin may
repeats, the disease is variably penetrant (3 5). The age also be important for cell survival through mechanisms
of onset of the disease varies inversely with the number such as growth factor stimulation, as BDNF rescued
of CAG repeats. Individuals with juvenile onset usually cells expressing mutant huntingtin (22). Removal of
have over 55 repeats, and they usually inherit the gene the caspase sites in the protein is beneficial for cells,
from their father. Men occasionally have expanded and wild-type huntingtin protects against mutant-
repeats in their sperm (6). The expansion is thought to induced cell death (23).
occur via slippage during the DNA replication process.
Mutant huntingtin
Wild-type huntingtin There are no antibodies that can distinguish mutant
Huntingtin contains a few domains that suggest par- from wild-type protein, although there are antibodies
ticular functions, including WW domains and caspase that bind selectively to the polyglutamine repeat (24,
cleavage sites (7, 8), but the function of the protein 25). Presumed mutant huntingtin is found not only in
remains unknown. Huntingtin is expressed in the the cytoplasm but also in the nucleus, where it forms
cytoplasm of most cells in the body. In the brain, aggregates (or neuronal intranuclear inclusions [NIIs])
expression is found predominantly in neurons (2, (26 28). Aggregates also develop in neurites. The aggre-
9 11). Within the cell, the protein is associated with gates are ubiquitinated, although antibodies against
the endoplasmic reticulum, the microtubules, and huntingtin appear to stain more aggregates than do
organelles such as the mitochondria and synaptic vesi- antibodies against ubiquitin. Western blot analysis of
cles (12). The association of huntingtin with these cel- HD brain tissue shows full-length huntingtin protein
in the nuclear fraction as well as abundant im-
munopositive bands at lower molecular weight, sug-
Address correspondence to: Anne B. Young, Neurology Service,
gesting proteolytic products in the nucleus. In contrast,
VBK-915, Massachusetts General Hospital, 32 Fruit Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. Phone: (617) 726-2385; in control brains there was full-length protein in the
Fax: (617) 726-2353; E-mail: young@helix.mgh.harvard.edu.
total homogenate but no nuclear protein and few
Conflict of interest: The author has declared that no conflict of
huntingtin fragments in any fraction (26).
interest exists.
Studies of HD brains show that there are more
Nonstandard abbreviations used: Huntington disease (HD);
inclusions in the cortex than in the striatum, and
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA); neuronal intranuclear
inclusion (NII). that cortical and striatal neurites contain numerous
The Journal of Clinical Investigation | February 2003 | Volume 111 | Number 3 299
aggregates (11, 27). Postmortem studies of HD brains with trypsin (41). Once the protein is in solution, the
also show differential loss of projection neurons con- GST protein is cleaved off with trypsin, and then the
taining enkephalin, adenosine A2a, and dopamine aggregation process can be followed by filter assays.
D2 receptors compared with cells containing sub- Aggregation is dependent on the length of the poly-
stance P, dynorphin, and dopamine D1 receptors glutamine repeat. A transition seems to occur in the
(29 31). In juvenile HD, both types of striatal projec- range of 39 40 repeats. Peptides with fewer than 39 40
tion neurons are equally affected (32). In the cortex, glutamines aggregate less robustly than peptides with
neurons in the deeper layers (layers V and VI), which more than 40 repeats. Cell culture models also show
use the neurotransmitter glutamate, develop nuclear length-dependent polyglutamine aggregation. High-
and neurite aggregates (27). throughput screens using in vitro and cell culture
Aggregates in HD were first observed in an electro- assays are now being employed to identify compounds
microscopy study of in vivo biopsies of HD brains (33). that interfere with the aggregation process.
This observation was not pursued at the time, but it
was remembered in 1996 when studies of the first HD Transgenic mice
transgenic mouse (28) (expressing the first exon of The first transgenic mouse model of HD is described
human huntingtin driven by the huntingtin promot- above (34). Numerous additional models have since
er) were reported. These mice develop normally until been created, and each appears to lend new information
around 5 weeks of age, when they begin to lose weight about the disease (42 45). The ones that have been stud-
and to perform less well on the Rotorod test. Both ied in most detail are the R6/2 and R6/1 mice (34), the
brain weight and body weight diminish subsequently. N171 mice (42), the YAC72 mice (44), and the condi-
The animals develop diabetes and tremors and become tional exon 1 transgenics and knockouts (20, 46). Both
less active. They are finally moribund and die at strains of R6 mice exhibit little cell death and neuritic
around 13 weeks (34). Extensive early studies of the pathology but widespread NIIs. N171 mice show stri-
brains of these animals showed no clear neurochemi- atal cell death and widespread NIIs. N171 mice develop
cal abnormalities like those seen in postmortem HD normally but have the onset of progressive neurological
brains. Electromicroscopy studies, however, showed decline at about 4 months. In N171 mice, the transgene
intranuclear inclusions. In the transgenic mice, it then is driven by the prion promoter. YAC72 mice, which
became obvious from immunocytochemical studies contain the entire human gene and the human pro-
that these NIIs were positive for the HD protein and moter, show variable amounts of hyperactivity at about
for ubiquitin. Furthermore, virtually all neurons in the 1 year and then become less active, displaying striatal
brains of these so-called R6/2 mice contained NIIs pathology and evidence of apoptotic cell death.
(28). These studies led scientists to revisit the exami- Examination of signaling proteins in the brains of R6
nation of human brains in which NIIs were also found animals showed changes consistent with an alteration
(11, 26). The frequency of NIIs in human HD brains in gene transcription (47). Genes encoding proteins,
was lower than in the transgenic mice, and the aggre- such as receptors, that had previously been found to
gates appeared as described above. change in HD were expressed at lower levels, in a pattern
The formation of aggregates was subsequently consistent with the human studies. Microarray analysis
thought to be the sine qua non of HD pathogenesis. of the brains of R6 mice, interrogating over 6,500 mouse
Two papers then appeared that suggested that the genes, revealed changes in expression levels mainly of
aggregates were an epiphenomenon, since cell death did genes involved in signaling pathways (48). R6 mice have
not necessarily result from neuronal huntingtin aggre- been treated with a variety of agents, including free rad-
gation, yet cell death did arise after the expression of ical scavengers, glutamate antagonists, creatine, and
mutant huntingtin (35, 36). It appeared that, to be caspase inhibitors, and these are seen to prolong life by
toxic, the mutant protein had to get into the nucleus, about 10 20% (49, 50). Indeed, even environmental
since constructs with nuclear-export signals attenuated enrichment prolongs life by 20 50% (51). R6/2 mice
death resulting from exon 1 overexpression. Further- have been crossed with dominant negative IL-1 con-
more, inhibition of caspases rescued cells from death. verting enzyme (ICE) knockdowns, and offspring live
Advocates of the hypothesis that aggregates cause cell longer than controls (50). Intraventricular infusions of
death have been studying the phenomenon in various caspase inhibitors also prolong life, as does minocycline
in vitro and cell culture assays (37, 38). Polyglutamine (an ICE inhibitor) (52). Electrophysiological studies of
peptides are not soluble and need to be tied to other cells in brain slices revealed that, early in the disease,
proteins to be studied in solution. Tight aggregates there are enhanced NMDA receptor responses, but even-
apparently form into polar zippers that are held togeth- tually cells become resistant to NMDA agonists (53, 54).
er by hydrogen bonding (39). Some have also hypothe- N171 mice exhibited abnormalities that are similar
sized that transglutaminases link glutamines to lysines to those found in R6 mice, but they have not been
covalently (40). No one has yet purified enough of the subjected to the same level of examination (48). YAC
N-terminal fragment expressing the polyglutamine mice have been examined pathologically but not neu-
stretch to perform crystallization. The purified full- rochemically (44).
length protein has not been isolated. Aggregation, how- Conditional exon 1 transgenic mice show behav-
ever, can be studied by fusing a polyglutamine peptide ioral abnormalities, brain atrophy, NIIs, striatal glio-
with a GST protein with a sequence that can be broken sis, and reduction in dopamine D1 receptors when
300 The Journal of Clinical Investigation | February 2003 | Volume 111 | Number 3
the transgene is expressed, and a reversal of these Summary
changes when the transgene is turned off in adult- HD has received at great deal of attention in the field of
hood (46). Conditional knockouts show a progressive neuroscience as a model of neurodegeneration. Because
neurodegenerative disorder when the wild-type it is relatively common and presymptomatic individu-
mouse gene is turned off in adulthood (20). als can be identified, investigators have focused on the
disease in the hope of finding therapies that can be
Other whole-organism models given to gene carriers presymptomatically to prevent
Worm, fruit fly, and yeast models of HD have been disease development. The results to date suggest that
created primarily by transgene approaches using glu- huntingtin is necessary for developing and sustaining
tamine-encoding trinucleotide expansions (55 57). normal brain function. In HD, the protein with the
These models have allowed the identification of sup- expanded polyQ may not function as effectively as the
pressors and enhancers of expanded polyglutamine- wild-type protein, and this may put neurons (especially
induced pathology. Heat shock proteins, for exam- in the striatum) under stress. Striatal neurons then
ple, appear to repress polyQ-induced pathology become vulnerable to the abundant glutamatergic
(58). In PC12 cells (see below), histone deacetylase input from the cerebral cortex. Excitotoxicity, mito-
inhibitors were found to attenuate polyQ-induced chondrial stress, and free radicals increase, and caspas-
toxicity, suggesting that drugs that attenuate his- es within the cell are activated. Mutant huntingtin is
tone deacetylation might have therapeutic potential then cleaved, resulting in polyQ-containing fragments
(57). Studies of such compounds are now underway that are susceptible to aggregate formation. The mutant
in several transgenic animals. fragments and aggregates recruit transcriptional factors
vital to the normal function of neurons. Cells survive in
Cell culture models a dysfunctional state for some time, and it appears that
Several cell models of HD are available. Mouse neurons turning off the mutant gene can result in reversal of
have been fused with mouse teratoma cells (35), and neurodegeneration. As many steps in the process of
the resulting hybrids have been stably transfected with functional decline and cell death represent potential
various polyQ-containing peptides. Another model is drug targets, we should eventually find a cure.
based on stably transfected, temperature-sensitive,
immortalized mouse striatal neurons (21). PC12 cells Acknowledgments
have been stably transfected with various genes encod- This work was supported by US Public Health Service
ing polyglutamines (59, 60). One study of transfected grants NS38106 and AG13617, and the Hereditary
PC12 cells found that CBP protein was sequestered in Disease Foundation.
aggregates in a polyQ-dependent manner, suggesting
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