Eliza Gayle Bourbon Affair (26) (MM)

Bourbon Affair
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Bourbon Affair
Copyright ELIZA GAYLE, 2009
Cover art by KENDRA EGERT
All Romance eBooks, LLC
Palm Harbor, Florida 34684
This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events
or locales is coincidental.
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever with out written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles and reviews.
Jake watched Denn bring the long neck bottle of
beer to his lips, lips he imagined every night wrapped
around his cock, the wet heat driving him wild. His
midnight black hair fell back when he took a long pull of
the liquid, sucking it down, his adam's apple bobbing with
each swallow. He wanted to press his lips there and he d
thought about it so much he could almost taste him now.
Damn! Jake shifted his position again, pushing down on his
persistent erection; he wasn't sure how much more of this
hell he could take.
Three times a week, Dennison Scott came in to
Huey's Tavern just an hour or two before closing and sat at
his bar, chatting him up, talking to some of the other
regulars and even ordering dinner most nights. They d
become friends, but for Jake it wasn t that simple.
Eliza Gayle
Tonight he'd ordered the spicy Shrimp Remoulade
and an endless supply of beer to cool him down. If he
thought he was hot now, huh, if only he could read Jake s
thoughts& they d both likely combust if the depth of his lust
was revealed.
He knew Denn was a witch, anyone local would
since he didn't even try to hide it, but Jake didn't think that's
what drew him to the man. Despite the casual way he
dressed and moved, the underlying power seemed to
simmer just beneath the surface, especially in his eyes.
There were times Jake had caught his gaze and for a brief
second could have sworn he d seen desire in those brilliant
depths. What he couldn t get out of his head though were
the touches because every time they shook hands or
accidentally brushed against each other, a connection
sizzled between them that left behind an ache, a longing for
"Hey Jake, can I get one more before you close up
the place?" he motioned to the empty bottle in his hand.
Jake shook himself free from the fantasies running
rampant through his mind and pushed back from the bar.
"Sure thing. Oh and don't worry about us closing up, Louis
is cleaning the kitchen from dinner and it might be a while
Bourbon Affair
before he's ready so feel free to take the time you need to
enjoy it."
"Louis really outdid himself tonight with this
shrimp, it s damn good." He scooped another mouthful and
Jake admired the pleasure evident on his face. He liked
that Denn appreciated the simple things too.
Jake handed over another bottle brushing against
Denn's hand as he moved. "Indeed he did." He looked at
Denn's face to find the man staring at him intensely.
"You feel it too don't you?" Jake s breath hitched
caught by surprise that Denn had the same reaction.
Jake nodded.
"Does it make you hard as steel too?"
Jake stilled, shocked by his words. He watched
Denn's gaze boldly rake over him, hesitating at the bulge in
his jeans. Heat flooded his body and crept up his neck and
face at the implication of what Denn said. The slight uptilt
at the corner of his mouth told Jake he already had his
"Well uhh that's something you don't hear
Eliza Gayle
everyday." His words stuttered along with his heart as he
fought the sudden overwhelming need to get closer. He d
wanted to get closer for so long, did he dare hope that the
moment had arrived?
"Maybe you should." Denn stretched and stood
from the stool, moving close. "We have been dancing
around this thing between us for a while now, neither one
making a move. I think it's way past time. How  bout you?"
Denn leaned in brushing his lips next to Jake's ear. "Tell me
you don't want me and I'll head on home right now and
never mention it again."
"I uhh " He had no words for this unexpected
surprise. Only need and want, which he was certain showed
on his face. He'd always been an open book.
Denn rubbed his stubble rough jaw against Jake s
neck and Jake nearly rocketed off the floor from the rough
pleasure of it. He couldn't believe this was really
happening. Unable to utter a coherent word with this much
desire racing through him, Denn's lips slid against his. He
reached to grab onto something to steady himself when the
other man's hips pressed against his, their cocks rubbing
together between two layers of denim. Jake's mouth opened
on a sudden gasp and Denn's tongue slid right in, delving
Bourbon Affair
deep. Beer, spice and pure hot male exploded in his senses
as he kissed him back, letting himself go, determined to
take advantage of everything he could.
Denn's hand reached for Jake's hip pressing them
harder together, the friction enough to make Jake think he
might come like this, in his pants standing in a bar, if Denn
kept touching him.
The kiss continued rough and urgent, neither of
them wanting to stop. With a hard rasp of Denn's cock
against the sensitive tip of his own, his head fell back on a
long low moan. "We should uhh stop."
"Why is that?" He nipped at Jake s jaw sending
another jolt straight to his groin.
"Because you're going to make me come." And so
what if he did? The pressure built and his balls drew up
tight against his body. He might look like he had the control
of a teenage boy but right now he didn t care, didn t want to
think beyond the pleasure.
"Then stop."
Jake's head sprang up, his gaze clashing with
Denn's. More heat there than he'd ever experienced with
Eliza Gayle
anyone. He didn't want to stop. They had to stop. He didn't
know what to do.
Denn pulled away, leaving Jake to grab the edge of
the stool to keep from falling.
"Tonight is our night, there's no doubt, but you're
right. Not like this, not here. Come home with me."
Jake didn't need to think twice about it. "Yes."
A dazzling smile split Denn's face that melted Jake
on the spot. He knew for certain that one time would never
be enough and that he would be forever linked to this man
after tonight.
"But first let's you and I head on over to Bourbon
street for a nightcap, I know just the place."
After hours of drinks, talking and what others might
consider some scandalous dirty dancing that had whipped
them both into a sexual frenzy more than once, they
stumbled together from the bar.
 Good thing I live close by. Neither one of us looks
up to a long walk and driving would be out of the question.
Bourbon Affair
 You still want me to come home with you? Jake s
voice and eyes were filled with a surprise he didn t quite
 You did agree to come with me tonight, have you
changed your mind? Denn wouldn t admit to the
disappointment that eased through him if Jake were to
refuse. No, he had felt how turned on Jake got just from
watching him, he would get his way and Jake would be in
his bed tonight.
 Well uh no but it will be dawn in an hour or
 Do you have somewhere you have to be this
morning? He looked back at Jake expectantly, hoping for
more time.
 Then it s settled and it s only about a block from
here, so let s go.
Eliza Gayle
They walked in silence for a couple of minutes as
Denn considered how he wanted this to go. He d actually
been thinking about it for a while now and tonight the
moment had seemed right. He d been horny before he d
even arrived at Huey s and watching Jake stumble around
through his own arousal had fueled the already stoked fire
within. He d fought the attraction for some time because he
considered it a fluke but as he d gotten to know the man
he d become much more than a beautiful, hard man in a
tight pair of blue jeans.
As he approached the front of his home Denn
reveled in the current of earth magick surrounding the place.
He sucked in a deep breath and sent out a tendril of power,
checking for a breach. When he located none he let loose a
sigh of relief and pushed his key into the locked gate at the
front of the courtyard.
Jake stopped next to him looking up at the structure.
 This is your place?
Denn opened the gate and stood back to follow
Jake s gaze. The regal three-story home was an architectural
wonder and one of Denn s favorite things about New
Orleans. He d been lucky to get it when he d moved here
Bourbon Affair
and it had quickly become his refuge and comfort.  Home
sweet home. You like?
 It s not what I expected.
 What did you expect? A simple bachelor pad
maybe? Jake looked at him, a softness in his gaze.
 I I don t know. Something modern maybe.
 Nah, I m an architectural geek and the French
design drew me to this part of the country.
 That s right. I think I heard something about your
family being from up north.
 Yes. Denn didn t want to say more, he didn t
want to get lost in thoughts of family, prophecies or the
danger he lived with every day. No, tonight he wanted to
focus on Jake. A man who d drawn him unexpectedly and
someone he sensed would be important for a very long time.
Despite the foretelling of his future that his older brother
Graelen continued to badger him about, he saw in Jake
much more than one night of fucking. Although he really
Eliza Gayle
needed to get to that part soon since his dick had been
throbbing for release for far too long.
He opened the front door and ushered Jake inside,
grateful that it was too dark to see much. He would explore
his home through Jake s eyes tomorrow but first he wanted
to explore Jake. Without a word he led the way two flights
up to the master suite. When they d barely crossed the
threshold he whipped around and pulled Jake against him.
 I can t take it anymore, you ve got me harder than
I ve ever been in my life,  Denn growled. His hands
cupped Jake s ass and ground his hips against his own but it
wasn t enough, he needed skin. He pushed him away and
drew in a sharp ragged breath.  Get undressed.
Jake grinned at him.  I d be happy to.
Mmm, he liked that response. In fact his eagerness
gave him some wicked ideas for the future. It would be fun
to find out if Jake liked being bound and at his mercy. His
cock bounced against his stomach as he dragged the jeans
from his hips. He filed that thought away for the future
because tonight would be an exploration and he wanted
Jake to touch him just as much he wanted to touch.
Bourbon Affair
When he d finally tossed away the last of his
clothes he looked up to see Jake standing naked, waiting for
him, his beautiful cock hard and jutting out from his body.
In the fading moonlight shining into the room, he could see
the glistening wetness at the tip tempting him. He d never
tasted another man before and the thought that Jake would
be the first made the moment even more special.
Jake s hand crept toward his own erection with a
pleading look in his eyes. Denn nodded, too choked up for
words. A large and warm hand encircled him and applied
the slightest pressure forcing a groan from within.  Jake,
you re killing my control. I m not sure I m going to be able
to take the time we both need.
 You think I care? No Denn, please just take me.
We can go slow next time.
Denn had to bite back a whimper at his words and
he swore his cock grew bigger.  On the bed. His demand
was simple and necessary to give himself a moment to get
his traitorous body under control. Never had he not been
able to wait.
Eliza Gayle
Jake moved silently around him and he heard the
dip of the mattress and the shuffling of blankets. When he
made the mistake of looking too soon, his stomach clenched
and the last of his control snapped.
The man was on his hands and knees arranging the
bed, his tight ass muscles flexing as he moved. The sight
was more than any man could bear, no one would be able to
control himself with that view. He could already feel Jake s
tight body squeezing around him and his cock pulsed with
it. Fuck.
He barely remembered to grab a bottle of lube from
the dresser drawer. Thank the Goddess he did. Denn
approached the bed in three quick strides and touched his
hand to the bare ass presented in front of him. When Jake
shot forward in surprise, Denn smiled at the fun they would
have together.
 Jesus Denn. Denn may have startled him but that
wasn t what had his breath coming out in ragged gasps.
Jake was as horny and desperate as he was and he couldn t
wait to have him.
Bourbon Affair
While opening the bottle of oil and coating his dick
generously he couldn t help but notice that Jake had
remained on his hands and knees, watching him with those
soft lust filled eyes. Bedroom eyes that never failed to
invite and sure as hell encouraged him. Denn crawled onto
the bed with him, leaning forward and scraping gently at
Jake s lower back with his teeth and tongue.
Jake shivered and goose bumps erupted across his
skin.  Mmm& 
Denn couldn t resist reaching around and squeezing
Jake s shaft from base to tip, feeling the pre cum slide
through his fingers. Oh yes, very soon he would find out
first hand what Jake felt like hard and stiff in his mouth.
When Jake pushed back against him, Denn wanted
to give him more so he slid his slickened free hand through
the crease of Jake s ass and pressed against his opening with
just the tip of a finger.
 Yes, please.
Denn closed his eyes and attempted to breathe
through the pleasure those two words gave him. If Jake
Eliza Gayle
begged him again he was going to spill his cum like a little
boy with no control. Damn. Pushing the tip of his finger
inside he opened his eyes on the low moan that fell from his
lover s lips and watched Jake push back on him for more.
He added a second finger to the first and watched
him stretch wider taking both fingers with ease. He kept his
other hand busy with strokes over Jake s swelling cock and
his moans grew louder as his orgasm became imminent.
 Please Denn, I want you inside me when I come
and I can t hold off much longer.
That was all the encouragement Denn needed as he
replaced his fingers with the broad tip of his cock. Poised at
the entrance he looked at the flushed and sweaty back of
Jake and longed to see his face. He wanted to see Jake s
gorgeous eyes when he entered him, watch the emotion and
desire.  Look at me.
Jake immediately twisted his head and did as Denn
asked and he had been right about the desperate longing and
need pouring out of him. He wanted to kiss Jake, to feel
their tongues angled against one another but the position
they were in made it impossible. Something he would make
Bourbon Affair
up for later. With Jake watching him and his other hand
still moving against his erect flesh, Denn eased his cock
deep inside Jake one inch at a time until he was fully seated
and his hips were flush against the man s ass.
On a long groan, a violent shudder coursed through
Jake as he came, sending a vibration throughout Denn as
well. Ejaculate covered his hand as Denn stroked him
through his release, jerking his own hips in short and
shallow strokes. The near strangling clamps on his own dick
were his undoing as fire raced down his spine and into his
balls. Crackles of energy burst over his skin as his magick
surged through them both.
 Oh fuck. His fingers dug into Jake s hips, his
back arched and his body tingled in near pain from the
magick until it curled into pleasure and jetted from his body
in orgasm. He gasped for air as his body melted across
Jake s shuddering back. The intense earth magick had hit
him as well, sending him into an unbelievable second
orgasm, something Denn had not realized would happen.
When he slid from Jake s body he pulled him into a
tight embrace, fitting their bodies together on the bed.
Eliza Gayle
 Holy hell what was that and can we do it again?
Denn smiled and let out a sigh of relief, grateful
that he hadn t scared the man. He hadn t warned Jake
because he d never known his magick to rage that far out of
control during sex.
 My magick must like you. I ve never seen that
before. A warm feeling seeped into Denn s chest at the
connection he felt with this man and didn t want to end.
 I like you too, Denn. Jake s voice had grown
quiet and a little hoarse as he spoke the words. A real sense
of contentment that had been missing for quite a while
settled over him as he wrapped his arms tighter around
Jake s waist.
 Thanks for coming home with me. He paused for a
heartbeat.  I think you should stay.
The End
For more about Denn and Jake& read
Available now
Brought to you by Phaze Books
Pentacles of Magick:
The Healing
Dennison Scott is destined to succumb to his dark magick
unless he finds and takes his empathic mate, a female born
into the prophecy. But this earth witch has already forged a
bond with his current lover, Jake that he has no intention of
breaking. Curse or no curse.
When both Denn and Jake begin to fantasize about a dark-
haired witch, the real trouble begins.
Raven is a witch and a bounty hunter willing to sell
her power to the highest bidder, even the enemy. Until she
tried to kill one of the Scott twins which left her on the
brink of death. Now with her magick bound and captive to
two men, she is more vulnerable than ever and she has to
decide whether to trust in the impossible or fight for the life
she thought she was destined for.
Raven s back bowed up and away from the bed as she
fought desperately against her restraints. Her cries of
anguish tore from her mouth as Denn watched her
helplessly. Night after night she d suffered nightmares to
the point he had to restrain her for fear she might hurt
herself. She should have awakened by now. Physically her
body was ready, but something some mental anguish, he
would guess kept her asleep.
 She s at it again, huh? Jake s smooth voice at his ear
startled him from his thoughts.
 Yes, and I don t know what more I can do for her. It s
frustrating as hell.
 You ve done a lot already, as much as you can. I assume
even a witch as powerful as you has some limits that only
nature can resolve.
Denn smiled at Jake s words. The man had a way of
knowing exactly what he was thinking.  There s something
about her.
 I can see that. You ve been walking around here for days
trying to hide the hard-on in your pants every time you
come from this room.
 Don t be crass, Jake. She s been ill, and I m doing all I can
to heal her. Besides, it s not as if I m going to forget she
almost killed my brother.
 Yeah that s true, but you re just lying to yourself now. She
fucking turns you on and you know it. The hard edge to his
words surprised Denn.
 Not jealous, are you?
 Fuck you.
 Look whose being crass now. Not to mention defensive.
How attracted to her are you?
Denn sighed, letting his shoulders relax. He didn t want to
think about Jake s words and what they meant. His concern
for the witch stemmed from the fact that her condition
hadn t improved by much. She fluctuated day to day. Most
days when he looked in on her, her color would be
improved and her body shifting around as if she was trying
to wake up, but then by the time he got through with a
physical exam she would be still and look worse off than
before. He didn t get it. All good reasons to explain the
amount of time he spent with her everyday.
 I m just concerned about her, Jake. She should be awake
by now. The fact that she stirs my blood a little when I
touch her is not a big deal. I mean, she is a beautiful woman
and I m not completely immune to that fact.
 Uh huh. Not a big deal. Gotcha.
About The Author:
After penning several sequels to her favorite movies in her
youth, with a more romantic slant of course, Eliza
temporarily put away her dream of writing for service in the
Marine Corps. After the service she was waylaid with
college, marriage, the corporate world and having babies.
From the moment she read her first erotic romance
novel a few years ago, she knew she had found her niche
and realized that her dream was passing her by. So after
years of thinking about writing she finally grabbed her
laptop and wrote. Eliza lives in beautiful North Carolina and
spends her days dividing her time between writing erotic
romance, working as a marketing manager and raising her
two daughters with her husband of sixteen years.
She likes her stories hot and spicy whether they be
contemporary, fantasy or paranormal and will write in
whatever genre her imagination has conjured that day.


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