DD - Definition Description

DD - Definition Description


Attribute Specifications

common attributes

Inline elements, block-level elements

Contained in

The DD element provides the definition of a term in a definition list. The closing tag for DD is optional, but its use prevents common browser bugs with style sheets.
DD may contain block-level elements such as P, H2, TABLE, and DL. This allows definition lists to be nested, as in the following example:

<DT><A NAME="spanning-tree">Spanning tree</A></DT>
A spanning tree of a graph is a <A HREF="#tree">tree</A>
that contains all the vertices of the graph. There are two
main types of spanning trees:

<DT>BFS spanning tree</DT>
A spanning tree formed by a breadth-first search on the graph.
<DT>DFS spanning tree</DT>
A spanning tree formed by a depth-first search on the graph.

<DT><A NAME=tree>Tree</A></DT>
A tree is a connected, undirected graph without cycles.

A DD element should generally be preceded by a DT element that gives the term defined by the DD. A single definition term may have multiple definitions associated with it, and a single definition may have multiple terms.
More Information

DD in W3C HTML 4.0 Recommendation
DD in W3C HTML 3.2 Recommendation
DD in HTML 2.0 Standard
DD in WDG HTML 3.2 Reference
DD in Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples

Maintained by Liam Quinn <liam@htmlhelp.com>
HTML 4.0 Reference ~ Elements by Function ~ Elements Alphabetically
Copyright © 1998 Liam Quinn. All rights reserved.


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