Problems to solve 14

Problems to solve

  1. Components of Cells and Batteries.

  2. Classification of Cells and Batteries.

  3. Operation of a Cell.

  4. Theoretical cell voltage, capacity, energy, specific energy and energy density of batteries.

  5. Upper limits of specific energy and energy density of batteries.

  6. The rules to achieve a high operating efficiency of cell with minimal loss of energy.

  7. Fundamental aspects of electron transfer processes.

  8. Fundamental aspects of electrode reactions. Thermodynamic background.

  9. Electrode processes.

  10. Selection of solvent and supporting solvent electrolyte.

  11. Ionic liquids as an alternative for solvent and supporting solvent electrolyte.

  12. Electrical Double-Layer Capacity and Ionic Adsorption.

  13. Mass Transport to the Electrode Surface.

  14. Electroanalytical Techniques.

  15. Kinetics of heterogenic electron transfer. Mass transport processes.

  16. Factors affecting battery performance.

  17. Design of rechargeable batteries.

  18. Types of fuel cells.

  19. Examples of electrocatalysis in fuel cells.

  20. Hydrogen evolution.

  21. Sources of fuels for fuel cells.


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