activatea2grammartest key

  1. Complete the sentences with said or told.

  1. Simon said he could play the piano.

  2. Marina told him she had to practise the piano every day.

  3. Maria said her brother wanted to be a footballer.

  4. Julia told her brother she couldn't swim.

  5. Cissy told us her brother was going to teach her to swim.

Marks ___­­­__ / 5

2 Read the reports. Write Maria's spoken words. Look at the example.

x] Maria said she was Italian.
Maria said, “
I'm Italian.

1] Maria said she lived in Rome.
Maria said, “
I live in Rome.

2] Maria said her family were watching TV.
Maria said, “
My family are watching TV.

3] Maria said her brother, Marco, was two years older than her.
Maria said, “
My brother, Marco, is two years older than me.

4] Maria said Marco was going to learn Chinese at school.
Maria said, “
Marco is going to learn Chinese at school.

5] Maria said she would make a cake for Marco's birthday.
Maria said, “
I'll make a cake for Marco's birthday.

Marks ______ / 5

3 Complete the report of Rick's interview with Paul. Look at the example.

Rick: Tell me about your project.

Paul: My project is about robots.

x] Paul told me that his project was about robots.

Rick: Are you trying to build a report?

Paul: Yes.

1] He said he was trying to build a robot.

Rick: Where do you work?

Paul: In the science laboratory at school.

2] He said that he worked in the science laboratory at school.

Rick: Where do you get your ideas?

Paul: I read articles on the internet.

3] He said he got his ideas from articles on the internet.

Rick: Do you also use the school library?

Paul: Yes, I use the school library every day.

4] Paul said he also used the school library every day.

Rick: Are you doing the project alone?

Paul: No, my friend, Patricia helps me.

5] Paul told me he wasn't doing the project alone. His friend, Patricia helped him.

Rick: Will your robot be able to walk?

Paul: Yes.

6] Paul said his robot would be able to walk.

Rick: Will the robot be able to talk?

Paul: No.

7] Paul told me that the robot wouldn't be able to talk.

Rick: Why are you making this robot?

Paul: It's for a competition between different schools.

8] Paul said that he was making the robot for a competition between schools.

Rick: When must you complete the robot?

Paul: I must finish it next month.

9] Paul told me that he had to finish the robot the following month.

Rick: Do you think you will win the competition?

Paul: Yes, I hope we will win.

10] Paul said he hoped they would win.

Marks _____ / 10

4 Combine these sentences using relative clauses. Look at the example.

x] Colin sits next to me. He is very good at spelling.

Colin, who is very good at spelling, sits next to me.

1] Carla has long black hair. She comes from Spain.

Carla, who comes from Spain, has long black hair.

2] The DVD is very interesting. You gave it to me.

The DVD, which you gave me, is very interesting.

3] Jack Harris is my uncle. He is a farmer.

Jack Harris, who is a farmer, is my uncle.

4] This is the crystal skull. It was found in a cave.

This is the crystal skull which was found in a cave.

5] This is the book. I borrowed it from the library.

This is the book which I borrowed from the library.

6] Where is the CD? I gave it to Susan.

Where is the CD which I gave to Susan?

7] Felicity is very beautiful. She is the main singer in the band.

Felicity, who is the main singer in the band, is very beautiful.

8] Those people have gone. They were waiting for the bus.

Those people, who were waiting for the bus, have gone.

9] I really liked that TV programme. It was about archaeology.

I really liked that TV programme which was about archaeology.

10] David was not in the shop. He is my favourite hairdresser.

David, who is my favourite hairdresser, was not in the shop.

Marks ____ / 10

5 Find and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Look at the example.

x] He said me his name was Eduardo. told

1] She told me that her parents are on holiday. were

2] Richard said that he can't swim. couldn't

3] He said he will open the door then. would

4] I am the person which you wanted to see. who

5] Where can I buy the film who you saw? which

6] Ricardo told that he would worker harder. said

7] My parents said they wanted me to got a job. get

8] Alan, which sings in the choir, is on TV tonight. who

9] The blue car, which I usually drive to work, need new windows. needs

10] Do you remember this night when you saw a fire? that

Marks _____ / 10

Total Marks _____ / 40

Activate! A2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 12

Developed by Pearson 2011


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