activatea2grammartest 2 key

1 Complete the phone conversation between Sue and Tim. Underline the correct verb forms. Look at the example.

Sue: Hi Tim! Where |are | is |X you?

Tim: |I's |I'm|1 in Gloucestershire, at the cheese-rolling festival.

Sue: What are you | does| doing|2?

Tim: I'm |watching|watch|3 the races.

Sue: The races? I |don't|am not|4 understand.

Tim: People |are|have|5 rolling big round cheeses down a high hill.

Sue: Are the people | wear | wearing |6 costumes?

Tim: No, they |isn't|aren't|7.

Sue: What are the people doing?

Tim: They're |chasing |are chasing|8 the cheese down the hill.

Sue: |Are|Is|9 it exciting?

Tim: Yes, it's very |exciting|excite|10!

Marks _____/10

2 Complete Sam's postcard to Rita. Use words and phrases from the box.

They have



are wearing

I'm eating

are you

It lasts

I'm watching

I'm taking

They're walking

Hi Rita,

I'm 1. on holiday in New Mexico in the USA. I'm watching 2. a really spooky festival! I'm eating 3. an ice cream and watching the parade. Lots of people are wearing 4. alien costumes. They're walking 5. through the town in a parade. It's 6. a very old tradition. People believe aliens visited this place many years ago. They have 7. an alien festival every year. The festival is always in July. It lasts 8. for three days.

I can see some very strange alien costumes. I'm taking 9. lots of photographs. You can see my photographs next week.

What are you 10. doing?



Marks _____/10

3 Underline the correct time words and phrases. Look at the example.

X) | Sometimes | At the moment | I'm playing chess with my sister.

1) | Now | Often | Gary is riding his bike.

2) What do you do | in summer | now |?

3) Are you watching TV | at the moment| every day|?

4) They're having a party | on Saturday | usually|.

5) My Dad isn't here | right now | never |. He's shopping in the town.

6) Where are you going | next week | usually |?

7) My sisters aren't watching TV | now | sometimes |. They're playing basketball.

8) You can't use the computer. I'm using it | now | often |.

9) Kevin plays football | every Saturday | next Saturday |.

10 | Right now | Always | my Mum is sleeping.

Marks _____ /10

4 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Look at the example.

X) Katherine is siting in the classroom at the moment. sitting

1) What do you doing right now? are

2) A:Are you reading a book at the moment?

B:No, I don't. No, I'm not / No, I am not

3) We're haveing a party next Saturday. having

4) My sister aren't like oranges. She hates them! doesn't / does not

5) Martin and George is playing chess. are

6) Is Paul use the computer right now? using

7) Every summer we are going to our house by the ocean. go

8) C:Is Nicola making a chocolate cake?

D:No, she aren't. isn't / is not

9) Sam doesn't playing basketball. He's plays football. He's very good! play

10) What time is the show start? does

Marks _____ /10

Total Marks ___________/ 40

Activate! A2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson 2011


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