discourse markers in writing

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Discourse markers in writing

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  1. First/ Firstly/ First of all, we must consider.....

  2. Next, it is important to remember that ….

  3. Secondly..... Thirdly.....

  4. Finally/ Lastly, we should recall that

  5. Turning to the question of foreign policy, …... [changing to a new topic]

  6. Leaving aside the question of pollution, there are also other reasons

  7. In parenthesis, let us not forget that …. [making a point that is a side issue, not part of the main argument]

  8. In summary/ To sum up, we may state that [listing, summing up the main points]

  9. In sum, the econmic issues are at the centre of this debate. [listing, summing up the main points: much more formal]

  10. In conclusion/ to conclude, I should like to point out that ….. [finishing the text]


  1. To learn new words properly a lot of recycling is needed; in other words/ that is to say you have to study the same words over and over again. [that is to say is much more formal]

  2. Some English words are hard to pronounce, for example/ for instance, 'eighth'.

  3. It might be possible, say, to include the parents in the discussion. [ similar to for example; note the commas before and after; say is also common in spoken language]

  4. The parliament has different committees. Briefly, these consist of two main types. [the explanation will be short and not comprehensive]

  5. She is, so to speak/ as it were, living in a world of her own. [ makes what you are saying sound less definite/ precise; As it were is more formal]


[these are words and phrases that point the reader to different parts of a text]

  1. The following points will be covered in this essay: … [used to introduce a list]

  2. It was stated above/ earlier that the history of the USA is ….. [earlier in the text]

  3. See page 238 for more information. [go to page 238]

  4. Many writers have claimed this (see below). [examples will be given later in this text]

  5. A full list is given overleaf. [Turn the page an you will find the list]

  6. For further details/ discussion, see Chapter 4. [more discussion/ details]

  7. May I refer you to page 3 of my last letter to you? [formal; May I ask you to look at/ read]

  8. With reference to your fax of 28th May 2000,..... [formal; often used at the begining of a letter to link it with an earlier text]

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