nOTATKI akty

Act Against the Pope's Authority - (under Henry VIII) made Henry VIII the only Head of English Church

Act of Annates - (under Henry VIII) forbade sending any money to Rome

Act of Appeals - (under Henry VIII) made king the head of both Secular and Ecclesiastical courts

Act of Association - (under Elizabeth I) If anyone plotted against Elizabeth I on behalf of the other claimant, claimant was to be executed even if he didn't know about the plot. On this base Mary Queen of Scots was executed.

Act of Indemnity and Oblivion - (under Charles II) zwolnienie od odpowiedzialności i niepamięć People who belonged to Oliver Cromwell, were pardoned. Their crimes and offences were to be forgotten. Only 9 people who had signed his Charles I's execution were excluded from the forgiveness.

Act of Succession (1st) - (under Henry VIII) settled the order of succession to the throne it allowed divorces in royal family in case of lack of succession to the throne

Act of Supremacy - (under Henry VIII) made king the supreme head of Church of England instead of Pope

Act of Trade - → Navigation Acts

Act of Uniformity - (under Charles II) to restore Anglican Church. Clergymen not Anglican were excluded. Prayer Book was compulsory.

Act to Prevent Frauds and Abuses - (under William III of Orange) All foreign goods had to go through English ports. England profited from it.

Conventicle Act - (under Charles II) Any person could be immediately imprisoned or sent to colonies when caught red-handed attending services other than Anglican ones. To discourage nonconformists from attending their services.

East India Act - (18th century) British government became a direct ruler of India. It was connected with East India Company.

Exclusion Act- (under Charles II) to exclude king's brother James from succession to the throne.

Issued by Earl of Sharftesbury, leader of Whigs.

Five Mile Act - (under Charles II) It forbade any clergyman to approach the town within the distance of 5 miles unless he swore the oath to be loyal to government.

Navigation Act - to protect English trade. According to mercantilism trade was restricted to colonies. Raw materials were only provided form English colonies on English ships. Dutch ships weren't let in English ports.

Peerage Act - (under George I) Restricted the House of Lords to its existing size and ensured Whig hegemony in Parliament regardless of change of monarch.

Tea Act - (18th century) It allowed East India Company to sell tea to the British colonies in North Ame without tax. It decreased prices of tea.

Test Act -(under Charles II) to exclude Catholics from offices. Officials not Anglican and who didn't swear the oath to be loyal to government were excluded.

Toleration Act - (under William III of Orange) Dissenters were given some freedom to worship on their own but they had to accept basic doctrines of the Anglican Church.

Treason Act - (under Henry VIII) to punish all traitors, those acted against king and opposed Act of Supremacy

Triennial Act - (under William III of Orange) King had to summon Parliament regularly. It increased Parliament's power.

Edict of Tolerance

Mary Queen of Scots proclaimed acceptance of Protestant faith in Scotland.

Statute of Laborers

(during Edward III) to prevent movements of peasants. It restored wage level, which had been before plague.

Worcester House Declaration - (under Charles II) Document connected with restoration of English Church. It concerned toleration towards other religions (Puritan and Catholic minorities). It limited bishops' power. Prayer Book wasn't compulsory. It limited rituals not to offend Puritans (less music and decoration). It gave freedom of religious assembly.

Declaration of Indulgence - (under James II) It gave freedom to all religions.

Bill of Rights - Parliament established succession to the throne. First were William of Orange and Mary, then Mary's sister Anne

Occasional Conformity Bill - (under Anne) Passed by Tories. Government officials had to be loyal to the Anglican Church. Dissenters were excluded from offices. Any official caught red-handed during nonconformist service was immediately expelled from the office.

Conference in Hampton Court - James I disagreed to demands of Purintans who asked for tolerance. James I authorized 2nd translation of the Bible. It is known as King James' Bible.

Congress of Arras - (15th century) representants of England, France and Burgundy met to discuss.

Congress disagreed with resolutions of the Treaty of Troyes and the French claimed that Henry V

had no longer any right to the French throne and recognizied Charles VII as their sovereign.

Poor Law -English system for relief for the poor. Each parish was responsible for its own poor.


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