Bill's Eyes vocab

Vocabulary for "Bill's Eyes"

1. "That was tough."

2. autumn

3. bandage

4. bundle

5. lap

6. twisted

7. vacant

8. full-blooded

9. compassionate

10. shaded

11. drill

12. plump

13. make redundant

14. stain

15. miles off

16. meanness

17. yawn

18. dignified

19. silly

20. thickset

21. his temples

22. lean back

23. cord,

24. sigh

25. take into consideration

26. wearily

27. doubtful

28. disappointed

29. He treats me nicely.

30. Quite a coincidence!

a. a roll

b. between your waist and knees when sitting down

c. crooked, not straight

d. empty

e. full of life

f. full of pity

g. in shadow

h. instrument used to make holes

i. little bit fat

j. lose your job

k. mark carelessly with; for example, paint on a shirt

l. not even close

m. not nice, unpleasant to get along with

n. open your mouth wide

o. respectable

p. ridiculous

q. short and thick body, but not fat

r. sides of a person's head at their ears

s. sit in a chair at more than a 90 degree angle

t. string used to close curtains

u. take a deep breath

v. think about something

w. third season of the year

x. tiredly

y. Too bad! Can't be helped. Not your fault.

z. uncertain

aa. unhappy with the outcome of something

bb. used to cover a scratch or wound; a plaster

cc. when someone likes you

dd. when two unrelated things happen at the same time

Vocabulary for "Bill's Eyes"

1. "That was tough."

2. autumn

3. bandage

4. bundle

5. lap

6. twisted

7. vacant

8. full-blooded

9. compassionate

10. shaded

11. drill

12. plump

13. make redundant

14. stain

15. miles off

16. meanness

17. yawn

18. dignified

19. silly

20. thickset

21. his temples

22. lean back

23. cord,

24. sigh

25. take into consideration

26. wearily

27. doubtful

28. disappointed

29. He treats me nicely.

30. Quite a coincidence!

a. a roll

b. between your waist and knees when sitting down

c. crooked, not straight

d. empty

e. full of life

f. full of pity

g. in shadow

h. instrument used to make holes

i. little bit fat

j. lose your job

k. mark carelessly with; for example, paint on a shirt

l. not even close

m. not nice, unpleasant to get along with

n. open your mouth wide

o. respectable

p. ridiculous

q. short and thick body, but not fat

r. sides of a person's head at their ears

s. sit in a chair at more than a 90 degree angle

t. string used to close curtains

u. take a deep breath

v. think about something

w. third season of the year

x. tiredly

y. Too bad! Can't be helped. Not your fault.

z. uncertain

aa. unhappy with the outcome of something

bb. used to cover a scratch or wound; a plaster

cc. when someone likes you

dd. when two unrelated things happen at the same time


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