

5.    What is advertising? Do you think it is necessary at ali or you would cali łt an unproductive industry? Do you think that advertisements distort the truth?

Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage an audience to take some action for example: to buy some product. There are a lot of kind of advertising. The most popular are: Print Advertising: in Newspapers and brochures, Outdoor Advertising - Billboards, Broadcastadvertising-tvcommercials. I think that advertising is necessary because of that, we can choose the best goods or services with many available on the market. Apart from promoting commercial goods, advertising can also be used to educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues such as AIDS, deforestation or something like that. So many adverts are funny. For example the Neostrada's commercials with the Brain and the Heart. Customers easier can remember them and associate with specific product. On the other hand, the biggest disadvan:age of advertising is the fact that adverts very often supply wrong information. Producers use a lot of ways to attract people. These ways aren't always honest. To sum up, the advertising is an unproductive industry. It doesn't make any products but it is useful. I don't like adverts because they appear in the best part of movies in TV, they appear in my favorite websites. Sometimes they are stupid and don't show whole true about goods or services, but I owe them to particulars about products which I always buy.

6.    What is nuclear power? Are you for or against it? Justify. What are the dangers of relying on nudear energy? Suggest some alternative sources of energy.

Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. Many nations use nuclear power plants to generate electricity for both civilian and military use, and some nations also utilize nuclear power to run parts of their naval fleets, especially submarines. Honestly l'm not for expansion of nuclear power plants or against it. Nuclear power has many advantages and also disadvantages. For example this form of energy is cleaner than fossil fuels because it don't produce air pollution. Also it produces huge amounts of energy from smali amounts of fuel. On the other hand there are a lot of dangers can cause radioactive waste, become dangerous if manuał mistakes happen. For example the explosion of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plants or earthquake and tsunami in Japan which caused nuclear meltdowns and releasing of radioactive materials. That's why I think that the safest way to get energy is using alternative sources of energy. For example solar energy, which is the conversion of sunlight into electricity. Currently, the biggest issue with solar power is the cost, sińce the solar cells and panels can be very expensive. Another alternative energy source is wind energy, which uses large wind turbines to transform wind into power. Some alternative sources of energy receive power from earthly sources, as in geothermal power and biomass. Geothermal power is derived from heat sources within the earth, such as natural geysers, and converts this heat into electricity. Biomass energy is obtained from organie materiał that comes from plants and animals.

7.    In what situations are we most subject to stress? Justify. What are the consequences of adopting a stressful lifestyle? How to cope with stress most effective?

We are subject to stress in important for us situations, f.g.: passing exams, in a job, at home. Now l'm very stressed out because l'm scared that I would make mistake and I will not pass this exam. But I need to pass it. The pressure and many kind of dangers paralyse us. The stress has very negative impact on our health. Not only in biological sense but also in psychological. Consequences of adopting a stressful lifestyle are for example: poor health, depression or even sometimes a heart attack. When we're stressed we're seeing everything only in negative. To overcome our fears and eliminate a stress important is to do sports and take care about our physical condition. And the most importing thing is positive thinking and be!ieving in yourself.


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