ape 009

ape 009



Do not think it necessary to rcao tne whole book through at one sitting.

Road oniy thc portions lliat will benefit you.

I.ook at the index.

Do not takc the e.\ercises hurriedly.

If you suflfer from any special trouble that may be helped by exercise, remember that time will be needed to cure or to help it.

Don't ovcrdo. Stop short of fatigue.

Be patient and pcrsistent. He who is too busy to exer-cise is like a workman too busy to oil his machinery.

The art of making the most of our powers should be thc ambition of eacli one of us.

Exercise relicves the mind from care by drawing the blood to the extremities.

Exercise will make you feel like a new being.

This system of exercise has been furnished by physi-cians who make a specialty of gymnastics, and who have had years of actual experience in the training of the body.

“He who has good heallh is young, whatever his age may be."


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