Figurę 3.21 Biood tests in COPD


Estimation of serum ct|-antitrypsin level$ is mandatory in the initial evaluation of patients with COPD presenting at < 45 years with prominent emphysema

Fuli blood count: polycythemia or anemia of chronię disease

Polycythemia (hematocrit > 47% in women or > 52% in men) is an indication of chronic hypoxia, and is most common in the 'blue bloater' type of COPD


Electrolyte imbalance may occur in cor pulmonale, especially in those treated with diuretics, in whom hypokalemia may be a problem

Arterial blood gases

Take blood from radia! artery if:

•    FEV| is < 60% predicted

•    exacerbation of COPD

•    hypoxia

•    oxygen therapy

Pulse oximetry for oxygen saturation (SaC>2)


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