

Kat is an English miss doing in tlie midsl of intrigue and dariger in St. Petersburg in 1820? ReKecca Parr s relations thinK slie is doing nothing morę exceptional tlian pro-viding companionsliip for Ker friend Ieresa wKo Kas accompanied Ker diplomat KusKand to Russia. But tKe dasKing Lord JoKn Hanville, Knows otKerwise. It tooK all li is consideraKle sKills at negotiating to persuade ReKeccas guardian tKat tlie young lady sliould go to Russia—and all Kecause Ke wanted tKe lovely lady near Kim.

But to I^ord JoKn s dismay, ReKecca Kas no interest in Kim. Slie finds Russian politics mucli morę interesting. ReKecca Kecomes so emKroiled in Russian affairs tKat sne is imprisoned in tKe Peter Paul fortress. Howcver, I^ord JoKn is a inan well used to turning netKacKti into opportunities—a rescue mission is an excellent time for a courtsKip.


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