However, the best method of avoiding it is considered to be graduaL acdimatisation; in otherwords, ascending sLowLy over a number of days. UnfortunateLy, I did not have the opportumty to do this.

On reaching T800m, I experienced onty sLight dizziness, to be expected on account of the Lack of oxygen, and confidentLy beheved that I was not going to suffer any aLtitude sickness. But, during the afternoon, shortLy after reaching the town, I noticed that I had started to deveLop a nagging headache.Thisgot progressiveLy worse during the afternoon and evenmg. I was advised to take whatever I wouLd usuaUy takefora headache,sotookibuprofen, butthisseemedto have no effect on the pain. During dinner that evenmg my head was pounding to the point where I teLt sick. My head aLso feLt extremeLy tender, and it was uncomfortabLe to move it, orfo walk, sińce it throbbed with each step. I went to bed very earLy, in the hope that itwouLd be gone in the morning.

When I woke up the pain was considerabLy worse. I was unabLe to move my head, even sLightLy on the piLLow, without sharp, stabbing pain, foUowed by proLonged throbbing. My whoLe head te Lt as if it was bruised and something was pressing on the bruising. Light, both naturaL and artificiaL, was extremeLy painfuL and I couLd not toLerate it for any Length of time; in addition I was, most a La rmingLy, experiencing some visuaL disturbance, with objects appearing to be sLightLy distorted, seeming either convex or concave. PainkiUers were stiLL having no noticeabLe effect. I managed to get up, sLowLy and painfuUy, but was unabLe to eat breakfast, sińce actions Like chewing and swaLLowing hurt my head, and I found it difficuLt to taLk to anyone, sińce even thisamount of movement couLd set the stabbing off agam.

The most worrying aspect was trying to determine exactLy how bad this needed to get before there was cause for serious concern. I knew that with miLd aLtitude sickness, known assoroche,thesymptomsshouLd die down reasonabLyguickLy, butthat iftheydid not go, oriftheybecame worse, I wouLd need to go down to a Lower aLtitude asguickLyas possibLe. Hlowever, I had no idea how severe a pain couLd be with in ' norma L' Limits, or just how guickLy I shouLd expect it to go away.

On getting on the tour bus, I tried to go to sLeep assoon as possibLe, but this was somewhat difficuLt on account of the discomfort caused by the bus rattLing aLong unpaved, pot-hoLed, roads. I te Lt as if my bram was rattLing around inside myskuLL. On stoppingfora break, Iwas unabLe to get off the bus, or even to open my eyes on account of the bright Light.


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