genuinely intense, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as flashes of light, blurring of vision, unusual tastes and so on. Sneezing, coughing, lifting heavy weights and so on all put strain on the body and increase the pressure in the head - hence the headache. Sometimes, it is necessary to exert yourself when on the toilet, and this too puts additional pressure on the blood vessels in the head. While you cannot avoid sneezing and coughing, you can certainly take morę care when exercising or lifting, and if it is difficult to pass a stool, it may be advisable to wait until you are ready to do so naturally, or to use a laxative in moderation. Persistent constipation, however, is best reported to your doctor. Problems with passing stools are often the result of poor diet, and your doctor can help you to identify ways in which you can change your diet to make your digestive system (and hence your whole body) healthier.


Worry creates stress, and stress creates headaches. Furthermore, worrying about headaches that you experience can generate morę and worse headaches. This is why you should see your doctor rather than dwell upon headaches and wonder about their causes. The mere fact that you are reading this book shows that you have already taken some positive steps towards sorting out the problem. Hopefully, this will help to reduce any anxiety you are experiencing.

Noise pollution

If you have ever been to a pop concert and been too-close-for-comfort to the speakers, you may have left with a ringing in your ears and a headache. Noise can generate a headache and can come from a number of sources. Perhaps your car stereo is too loud? Perhaps you work with noisy machines or live near a very busy road? Are your children excessively noisy? Do you live with someone who talks very loudly? All in all, some of these may sound silly but could lead to headaches in the short or long term. While you may have difhculty telling your partner to be less noisy, you certainly can ask your employer for ear protection if you work with machinery and usually this will be expected to be provided, by law.

Light pollution

Any form of light can be the cause of a headache. Even natural sunlight may trigger pain if you immerse yourself in ittoo much. However, non-natural light is a morę common cause that has been identified. This comes from two main


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