06 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 6 638

06 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 6 638

thc Old Testament & related literaturo in classical Hebrew & Aramaic. The complete & unabridged translation is being prepared in 4 yolumes In an international team of Hebrew & Old Testament scholars, & will undoubtedly become the standard modern English dictionary for Biblical Hebrew. The dictionary contains the complete vocabulary of the Hebrew Bibie, extended with y ariants from the Oriental & Samaritan textual traditions, the Ben Sira fragments, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc

•    The Brown-I)river-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon - by Francis Brown, S. R. Drwer, Charles Briggs. Since it first appeared in the earh part of the 20th century, BDB has been considered the finest & most comprehensive Hebrew- le\icon available to the English-speaking student. Based upon the dassic work of Wilhelm Gesenius, the "father of modern Hebrew lexicography," BDB gives not onh dictionary deflnitions for each word, but relates each word to its (Md Testament usage & categorizes its nuances of meaning. BDB’s exhaustive coverage of Old Testament Hebrew words, as yycII as its unparalleled usage of cognate languages & the wealth of background sources consulted & quoted, render BDB & invaluable resource for all students of the Bibie

•    http;.. »>v».adath-shaloiiLca gk_cont.htm - Gesenius’ HebreYY Grammar As Edited And Enlarged By The Eate E Kaut/sch Professor of Theology In The University of Halle, Second English Edition. Revised In Accordance With The Twenty-Eighth German Edition (1909) By A. E. Cowley, Oxford at The Clarendon Press, 1910

•    Gesenius' Hebre\Y Grammar - by William Gesenius. This second English edition of Gesenius’ Grammar, edited and enlarged by the late E. Kautzsch, stands alone as the definitive reference work on HebreYY grammar. It is revised in accordance with the 28th German edition by A.E. Cowley, and includes a facsimileof the Siloam inscription

A Grammar of Biblical HebreYY : v, 1, pt. 1. Orthography and phonetics: v. I, pt. 2. Morphology; v. 2, pt. 3. Syntas (Śubadia Biblica. 14.1-14.2) - by Paul Jouon. T. .Muraoka. As iniportant as William Gesenius' HebreYY erammar

•    http:.'.-'yyyyyy,atour.coni.'-lexicon/ - Aramaic Lexicon and Concordance

•    http;.. call.cn.huc.eda seai chinaoutlineJe\icun_seaich.html - Type a word in the "lemma" box and select oneof the currentK available dialects (General, Babylonian Talmudic, Christian Palestinian Aramaic)

•    http:.Vcall.cn.huc.edu.'searchin»'eni!outlex.html - Outline Lcxicon Search. ENGLISH - ARAMAIC

•    http://YYww.cwru.edu/univHh.'preserY'e/E tana' JAST.DICy 1,'J AST.DICvl.html

-    facsimileof "A Dictionary of theTargumim, the Talmud Bąbli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literaturę (Yolume 1) by Marcus Jastrow

•    http:// www.cwru.edu/univlib/prese rY-e.'Etana'.IAST.DICv2''.l AST.DICv2.html

-    facsimileof "A Dictionary of theTargumim, the Talmud Bąbli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literaturę (Yolume 2) by Marcus Jastrow

•    http;.. »»».bethinai dutho.oia suppoit.syi iacdictdo»nIoad. - DoYynload


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