ultimate online resources for bible scholars 1 638

ultimate online resources for bible scholars 1 638

Ultimate Online Resources For Bibie Scholars

Web Directory For Bibie Scholars

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•    http: biblescholai slbi uins.com - Forum for students of the Bibie and Biblical Scholars

http:.'.'ot.ultimasuif.com - The Hebrew Old Tcstament - Torah, Ketusim, Nevi’im.

•    http: tanakh.ultimasurl.com- The Hebrew Tanakh - Torah, Ketubhim, Nebhiim.

•    httpw w w. nicchon-niamrc.or g/ - The Hebrew Bibie (Tanach) in four editions in Hebrew (including one with cantillation marks), onein Aramaic (Targum ()nqelos), one in English (JPS 1917), and one in parallel Hebrew and English (voweled Hebrew and JPS English)

•    http;//>vww.audioscriptwes.org/audio/0123-01/UT/OT.łitm - FREE audio Hebrew Old Testament in MP3 format for downloading. Total size: 683MB divided into 39 books

http:/'www.zalag.net/OTstudies/Hehrew %2 0Audio.htm - Hebrew Bibie Audio. Only a portion of the Old Testament has been induded

http:/.'www.aoal.oi-g/hehrew audiobible.htm - Hebrew Bibie: Audio Tracks. This site also offers courses in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Akkadian for US$295 for one course per quarter

http: //kodesh.snunit.kl2.ili t/tO.htm - The Tanakh in Hebrew with the ability to listen to the audio recitation of the Tanakh. Site is completely in Hebrew

•    http://hihle.ort.org/books/torahd5.asp - The Torah in Hebrew with English translation and transliteration and also the ability to listen to the recitation of the Torah in Hebrew

•    http:/.'levsoftware.con*'verses.htm - The Hebrew Bibie Explorcr

•    http://www.tanakhml.org - Tanakh.ME Project wcbsite prorides you with an Hebrew text browser that enables you to travel over the whole Tanakh in its fulh vocalised and cantillated version. King James Yersion is also included -either as a stand-alone text or as a parallel one - to support your readings. Tanakh ML Project aims at providin<> scholars with efficient tools for travelling over the Bibie in Hebrew, as well as with a conimon descriptwe language for describing the structure of the Bibie according to the Jewish masoretic tradition.

•    http://ccat.sas.upenn.edacgi-bia602 bibk.pl - Hebrew Tanakh & Greek Septuagint

•    http://www.biNes.oi-g.uk - Pentateuchus: Diligenter Revisus Juxta Massorah Atque Editiones Prindpes Cum Variss Lectionibus E Mss Atque Antiquis Versionibus Collectis A C.D. Ginsburg, LL.D. - Torah Hebrew text of The British British & Foreign BiNe Sod ety edited by Dr Christian David Ginsburg

•    Neviim Rishonim : Hebrew text of The British British & Foreign Bibie Society edited by Dr Christian David Ginsburg, Neviim Akharonim : Hebrew


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