Assimil Dutch3

Assimil Dutch3

287 tweehonderd zevenentachtig

komt het dat ze niet op de hoogte zijn? — 13 om welke reden zegt u dat? - 14 Hij stelt een hele reeks vragen. - 15 Ze ziet er erg moe uit. - 16 Het is maar een gebrek aan geld. - 17 Ik spreek niet meer tegendie mensen. -18 Ze komen śśn dezer dagen.

6. — Vertaling — 1 He doesn't look up from his work. -2 She is angry with everyone. - 3 He feels iii (unwell). -4 He never stops talking. - 5 That serves absolutely no purpose. - 6 What is being referred to now? - 7 They will be coming in about three months, - 8 We’ll go along with you for a short distance. - 9 Put your coat on. -10 Don't lose sight of that! - 11 He doesn’t worry much. - 12 How is it that they are not informed? — 13 For what



1    Bert: Binnenkort hebben wij weer veertien

dagen vakantie

2    en ik vraag mij af hoe ik de tijd zal doorbrengen.

3    Hans: Wat mij betreft, is er (1) niet het

minste probleem :

4    ik ga met mijn ouders naar het zuiden



2 ik‘fraaHG ... teifsal 4 ik'HGaa ... h:t "suid:r

reason do you say that? - 14 He asks a whole series of questions. - 15 She looks terribly tired. - 16 lt's just a shortage of money. - 17 I no longer speak to those people. - 18 They are coming one of these days.

Now and then, go back over the notes and comments in tormer review lessons! They contain summaries which give a briet explanation of important rules and principles.

Second Wave: Lesson 14


Holiday Plans

1    Bert: Soon we have fourteen days of holiday again

2    and I wonder how l’ll spend the time.

3    Hans: As far as l’m concerned, there's not the slight-

est problem;

4    l'm going to the south with my parents.


(1)    Wat mij betreft-. as for me. as far as l'm concerned. When wat .. betreft refers to the subject of the following ciause, the verb and subject In that ciause are not inverted. otherwlse they are. Wat mij betreft, ik ga naar huis: As for me, Tm going home. (The first ciause refers to the subject of the second). Wat hem betreft, mag ik doen wat ik wil: As far as he's concerned, I may do what I want. (The first ciause does not refer to the subject of the second).

(2)    The names of directions are not capitalized unless they are referring to geographical areas. Het noorden: the north; het oosten: the east: het westen: the west. China is in het Oosten: China is in the East.

64'“ LES



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