

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego i rozpoznawanie


Zadanie 7. (4 pkt.)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literą A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.


The people of Europę find themselves at a strange time in history. On the one hand, they are freer than ever before as the Schengen agreement has enablcd travelers to go from the Southern tip of Portugal to the icy wastes of northern Finland without documents. On the other hand, our lives are being monitored like never before. Most of the new technology which we use is accessible by the State including mobile phone records and internet browsing history. I won those without such technology can bc followed on CCTV cameras which are clearly visible on many public buildings. However, despite this intrusion, rather than complaining, many of us willingly offer even morę details of our lives for public consumption in the form of blogs and social networking profiles.

Now, though, things are going to become even morę Orwellian. Unmanned spy planes, called drones, have been used in military operations for a number of years, searching for terrorists or enemy combatants in the battle zonę where normal surveillance techniąues would either be impossible or far too dangerous. Now, a smaller, cheaper version of the military drone is being used by police to hunt for criminals. What is believed to be the first case of an arrest by spy drone took place in January 2010 in the northern English city of Liverpool. Two young men had stolen a car and been chased by police. On leaving the car, one of the men had ąuickly been caught but the other had escaped into the cvening fog. The police used the thermal-imaging technology provided by the drone to find the escaped thief using his body heat.

The police drones are much morę limited than military ones, flying at

a height of no morę than 150 metres and having to be controlled from

a surveillance van within 500 metres of the drone. The police are ablc to control

the drone’s movement from inside the van and watch images and film taken

by the drone at the same time. Governments claim that they will only be used

to hunt criminals and for other cmcrgcncy services such as ambulance, fire CD

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and mountain rescue where people’s lives might dcpcnd on them being found ąuickly. Tt all sounds very noble and the phrase cIf you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’ is constantly used by the drones’ supporters. However, we already know that they have been used to monitor perfectly legał demonstrations and they will be given their first large scalę use during the 2012 Olympic Games when the government will be determined to stamp out protests, not for public safety reasons but to preserve their own image of being in control.

One day, we may look back fondly on times when we could disappear from view. It may not be possible for much longer.

7.1.    According to the writer

A we have never been freer than now.

Ii we have never been less free than now.

C in some ways we are freer than before.

I) our movements are being restricted by governments.

7.2.    Some people

A don’t seem to mind having personal information madę public.

B have complained about government surveillance.

C write blogs about intrusions into our lives.

D can avoid surveillance by not using new technology.

7.3.    Supporters of drones argue that

A they won’t be used to watch anyone.

B they will be used only by rescue services.

C they are needed to keep public order at events such as the Olympics.

D most people will be unaffected by them.

7.4.    Overall, the writer’s opinion about drones is that A he is in favour of their use.

B he is worried by their possible futurę uses.

C he is unsure what to think about them.

D he remains cntircly neutral throughout the article.

■ Auozjazszoj uiojzod • eu|ejnjei/\j lunuołAiaday ueuuBuoi

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