Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi05

Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi05

brackets in ihe present simple.

►    He Aotf. (do) the same things every day. My friend Paul

My friend Paul 1_(go) to the same

school as me, and we 2_(Uve) In the

saine pan ot' town. After school, he sometimes

_(come) to my house and we

'_(watch) TV together. My Other school

friends _(like) playing vtdeo garnes but

Paul6_(not like) doing that.

gflBJ / 6 |

2 Write ąuestions in the present siinple.

►    she / wotk in an Office?

Poe.S ''he Work ir\    o-f£jg.e?_

1 she / speak / English?

6 Elaine likes the Mats class.

|^BJ / 6 |

4 Tick (/) the correct sentences and rewrite the incorrect ones.

► We sometimes goes on school trips.

»_ rs .-r-> '± i I ,-r, •!    g O«■    '..hno!    tr;.-',_

1 Do you always have English on Friday?

2 We neve« argues with out teachets.

3 Lessons always finish on 3.30 pm.

-I Do you speak always English in lessons?

2 they / Hve in a big fiat?

5 What time you usually have lunch?

3 you / eat fast food?

<t you / always / watch football?

5 he / tead newspapers?

6 she / do a lot of etterclse?


3 Tick (✓) if the underlined words are correct.

Rew rite them if they are incorrect.

» How old is your gtanson?


1 l’ve goi two nephews and I spend a lot of time with them.

2 1 always enjoy the Geyiaphy lessons at school.

3 My uncels work in a local shop.

6 Does youi btothet play in the football team?

/ 6 |

5 Cotnplete the sentences with one of these adjectives.

| hortible nice happy poor lucky beautiful

► Dolphins are funny bul the/te sery toO.

1    Sotne people say black cats are_

2    The house has got a very_garden.

3    I don't like coffee - it's_1

A They are_because the school holidays

start next week.

5    He isn't a very_person. He nevet

smilesor says hello.

6    My brother wams me to give him sonie money. He

says he is_ 1 don't belieee him.

Ł55I /io l

<4 History is my fasourite subject at school.


© Oxford University Press


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