Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi07

Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi07

CO Connectlona 2 TES7S 2P.qx<S 5/10/07    10:50 Pago 7

Test 2 B

1 Complete this postcard with the verbs in brackets in the present continuous.

» We    - sonie friends.

K. JA+, Helci" awd 1

_ti+ayl iw

a vcvy *>icc <!«+• elc>ic to +ke ac* Art tWc uworwcwt.


kalccwy ftk.le 1

tit<*-<ł1 cm- tkc

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llocO «t

tke /.sWcK-f-il vicw e*d aSc

l+flkc) oom-c flroto*. 1 kopę yo.'

' _ Wt    too ttfr-d!


2 Complete thes* sentences with one of the prepositions.

between in under next to on

► She's working_

1    The cai is sitting .

2    Breakfast is_

het Computer. _the garden.

4 Write ąuestions and answers in the present continuous or the present siinple.

► you / listen / to the radio?

Ar-C i r> ^ l.r.teiiiryi to tS-,0 ru-4 io'

No. 1 / read this magazine.

No, I' rw r-ea-dir"»" łkiS    -r--i -

1    a you / ever read / this newspaper?

b Yes, I / often look / at the job adserts.

2    a you/feel/good whenyou go to the gyin? b No. I / sometimes get very tired.

3    a why/you/go?

b 1 / leave because it's late.

the table.

3    There's a smali table_

4    Put the bed_the wardrobe.

5    'Where ate my shoes?”Look_the bed!'

6    There are 20 photos_

, two armehairs.

g^flj / 6 |

5 Complete these sentences with places in a liome.

► The house has got a big    with trees in it.

1 Charles is asleep in his_

the bookease.

Iffią JT

2 Thete's a shower in the

3 Complete these sentences with the correct piece of furniture.

3    We can sit in the sunshine in the

4    Go down the stairs and ruto the _ Then o pen the front door.

wardrobe desk sofa fridge sink chest of drawers

► She's working at her

5    Conte inio the_

the meal.

6    We hardly ever use the eat in the kitchen.

. with me while I cook

we usually

1    There's sonie ice cream in the ,

2    1 keep my T-shirts in a_

3    Wash the dishes in the_


, in the

tm% )s | ■flfl H

4    lt's a big_


5    His suit is hanging in the_

6    Please put those letters on my

and 1'our people can sit



© Oxford University Press


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