368 Glossary

quadriceps muscle, thus producing a visible reduction of the subluxation.

radial Related to the lateral side of the hand or the forearm, on which the radius and thumb are located. radial abduction A movement in which the thumb moves away from the rest of the hand within the piane of the palm. radial dcviation A motion of the wrist produced by bending the hand toward the radial side of the forearm. radicular sensory loss A sensory deficit in a distribution corre-sponding to a specific dermatome. rangę of motion (ROM) The arc through which a joint passes during movement.

release test A further followup to the apprehension and reloca-tion tests of the shoulder in which the direct posterior pressure on thepatientsarm is released to see whether the patient’spain or apprehension relurns.

relocation test A followup test to the apprehension test for ante-rior shoulder instability in which a direct posterior force is applied to the patients arm in an attempt to eliminate the associated pain or apprehension. resting position The position that a limb or joint assumes when the muscle forces acting on it are fully relaxed. reverse Phalen’s test A provocative test for carpal tunnel syn-drome in which the wrist is held in an extended position for a minutę in an attempt to elicit the patients symptoms. reverse pivot shift test A dynamie test to demonstrate abnormal posterolateral laxity of the knee by inducing a posterolateral subluxation followed by a sudden reduction. rheumatoid nodules Rubbcry subcutaneous nodules that may occur in rheumatoid arthritis.

rocker bottom foot An extreme foot deformity in which the bottom of the foot has a convex appearance instead of the normal concave longitudinal arch.

Romans’ test, Romans’ sign A provocative test for deep vein thrombosis of the calf in which the ankle is passively dorsi-flexed in an attempt to reproduce or aggravate the patient’s pain.

Roos’ test A provocative test for thoracic outlet syndrome in which the patient is asked to exercise the ipsilateral hand whilc the shoulder is abducted in an attempt to reproduce the patient’s symptoms.

Ryder’s method for measuring femoral anteversion (see Craigs test)

scaphoid shift test, Watson’s test A manipulative and provoca-tive test for scapholunate instability in which the examiner attempts to produce a subluxation of the proximal pole of the scaphoid with respect to the distal radius. scaphoid shuck test A test to passively demonstrate abnormal motion betwcen the scaphoid and the lunate.

Schober’s test, modified Schober’s test Methods of assessing flexion of the spine by measuring the apparent change in length between the extended and the flexed positions. scoliosis A complex helical deformity of the spine in which a curve in the coronal piane is combined with abnormal rota-tion of the vertebrae in the transverse piane, seated leg raising test A variant of the straight-leg raising test performed with the patient in the seated position.

Semmes-Weiss filaments: Bristles of graduated stiffness used to quantitate sensitivity to light touch. short leg gait A number of gait abnormalities that may be seen in conjunction with a leg length discrepancy.

shuck test A manipulative and provocative test for instability or degeneration of the basilar joint of the thumb in which the first mctacarpal is passively translatcd in relation to the trapezium. shuffling gait A gait abnormality in which the feet are dragged on the ground during the swing phase. silver fork deformity, Velpcau’s deformity A posttraumatic deformity in which the distal radius and the hand appear dorsally displaced with respect to the rest of the forearm. single leg hyperextension test A provocative test designed to exacerbate the pain of spondylolysis by having the patient hypercxtend the lumbar spine while the ipsilateral lower limb is extended behind the patient.

slap foot gait A gait abnormality in which the feet strike the ground in a yiolent, unpredictable manner. slew-footed deformity (see out-toeing)

slump test A series of maneuvers designed to demonstrate ten-sion on the lower lumbar nerve roots that incorporates ele-ments of the straight-leg raising test and Lasegues test and is performed in the seated position. snapping hip The sensation of soft tissue snapping or shifting during movement of the hip, most commonly caused by the iliotibial tract or the iliopsoas tendon. snapping scapula A phenomenon in which retraction and pro-traction of the scapula produce a palpable and often audible grating between the scapula and the underlying chest wali. sniffing position A postural deformity of the cervical spine in which the face of the patient appears to be thrust anteriorly. soft spot of the elbow The most common site for aspiration or injection of the elbow, located in the center of a triangle formed by the radial head, the lateral epicondyle, and the tip of the oleeranon.

soft spot of the shoulder A point on the posterior shoulder over the superior portion of the glenohumeral joint.

Speed’s test A provocative test for biceps tendon pain in which the shoulder is flexed against resistance with the forearm supinated.

splayfoot A forefoot deformity in which the metatarsals deviate excessively from cach other.

SprengePs deformity A congenital deformity in which the scapula is usually abnormally smali and displaced proximal to its normal location on the posterior chest wali.

Spurling’s test A provocativc test designed to exacerbate encroachment of a cervical nerve root at the neural foramen by cxtension and rotation of the neck toward the involved side. squinting patellae, in-facing patellae A variation in rotational alignment of the lower limbs in which the patellae anglc toward each other when the patient stands with the feet pointing straight forward.

step-off deformity A lumbar spine deformity in which a visible or palpable step or shelf is present between two vertebrae owing to a high grade spondylolisthesis. steppage gait (see drop foot gait)

step-up-step-down test A method of eliciting patellofemoral crepitus by having the patient climb up and down from a stepstool.

stiff knee gait A gait abnormality in which the patient attempts to prevent normal flexion and extension of the knee during ambulation.

Stinchfields test A provocative test designed to elicit hip joint pain requiring the patient to perform an active straight-leg raise with the ipsilateral knee locked in extension.


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