winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test07

winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test07

Unit 2 Test A

© Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów.


them. lot. a. I. like

l lito 1'nem 3 \ot._

1 progrannnes. I. sports. watch, often


O Napisz 5 zdań o programach telewizyjnych, które lubisz oglądać.

2 parents. watch. news. day. every. the, my

3 often. how. you. do. TV. watch?

4 like. you. about, programmes, do. wildlife?

5 boring. is. sport, TV. on


O Wybierz odpowiednią formę.


1 don't know much / lot about pop musie.

1    Britney Spears is o / an American singer.

2    My friend lovcs the Rolling Stones but I don't know them / they.

3    Let's not / don ’t buy this CD.

4    Do you like this song"/1 don't like its / it.

5    Whats on / in TV this week?


O Połącz części zdań.


I’ve got my favourite films on £

1    The history quiz is at_

2    I always watch_

3    1 think rock and roli is_

4    She sang in_

5    We've got 12 channels on_

A 6.10.


C programmes about animals.

D the concert in London.

E fantastic!

F our TV.



Extra tasks

Podaj wyrazy, które odpowiadają definicjom.


This smali animal's got eight legs. s^.j_ r_

1    It’s a big bird. a symbol of Poland. e____

2    This man can do magie, w_____

3    This magie animal's got wings. It eats people!


4    It’s smali and ugly It can do awful tricks.


5    It’s a very big house. A king or a ąueen lives

there. p_____


Poprawr błędy.


I watch sometimes the news.

I sotnetiims wateh the news,_

1 I watch the all cartoons.

2 I don t like tennis and basketball.

3 Will hate quiz programmes.

4 The Beatles were a British band. Do you like they?

5 She likes my and I like her.


( Total


( Total


8 Unit 2 Test A

© Oxford University Press



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