winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test13

winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test13

Unit 3 TestB

© Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie. Example

A Dilot flies

planes. (fly)

1 Mv dad

a newspaper every

morning. (read)

2 Mv mum

for a doctor. (wrait)

3 Thev

cards. They’re working.

(not. play)

4 The cook

fruit salad for lunch todav.


5 We usuallv

people to hospital by

car. (take)


O Połącz pytania z odpowiedziami.


Is John cooking dinner?    fc

1    Does your mum work in a hospital? _

2    Do they fight fires?    _

3    Is your dad a firefighter?    _

4    Have you got an interesting job? _

5    Are you watching this film?    _

A No. I haven’t.

B Yes. she does.

C No. I’m not.

D Yes. they do.

E No. he isn’t.

F Yes. he is.



O Odpowiedz na pytania.


Does your mum have an interesting job?

Yes. she- does._

1    What are you doing now?_

2    Is your mum working now?_

3    What do you want to be when you grow up?

4 Are you a student?

O Napisz 5 zdań o pracy mamy. taty lub innej znanej ci osoby.


Extra tasks

® Podkreśl odpowiedni wyraz.


Every morning. the cook waters / peels / makes lots of potatoes.

1    She takes / makes / goes her dogs for a walk after lunch.

2    I often make / wash / take the dishes after dinner.

3    I water / walk / clean the floors every day.

4    We sometimes watch / do f read TV in the evening.

5    Firefighters do / help / fight fires.


Przetłumacz zdania.


Potrzebujesz pomocy?

Do sou need help?_

1 To jest doskonała praca.

2 Czemu chcesz być pilotem?

3 Czasem jestem zmęczona.

4 Laura jest leniwa.

5 Codziennie podlewam kwiaty.

C I 5)

5 Is vour aunt a nurse?


( Total


( Total


14 Unit 3 Test B

© Oxford University Press



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