Zirgai (5)

Zirgai (5)

T" o r4 m-jA-1- i es

Horse Head    Horse Kit

Thcsc pattem dctails should be used ir. conjunction with thc Form-A-Lincs General Instruction sheet.

“Out at ...” means bring thc needle from thc back of the work through to the front.

“In at ..." means takc the needle from thc nght side ofthe work through to the back.

On many scctions of this design some holes arc uscd morę than once.

Gamet thread on cream card.



Nostril &

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Cop>njW O 2001 D J DcsiJSm

Out at A in at B Out at C in at O Out at K in at I:

(.'ontinuc this scquencc around the manę until it is complcłe.

Forehead Out at S in at T Out at U in at S Out at V in at W Out at X in at V Continuc this scqucncc across the forehead until it is cornplctc.


I .eft car

Out at 1 in at 2

Out at 3 in at 4

Out at 5 in at 6

Continuc this scqucncc

around the ear until it is


Right car Work as left car


These Form-A-Lines instmctions arc copyright O 200-1 D i Designs and may not bc rcproduccd without permission.

Publishcd by Card Inspirations Tewin Hill Farm, Tcwin, Hcrts AL6 OLL, UK Tcl: 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477

Out at G in at 11 Out at I in at J Out at K in at L Continuc this $equcncc around the eye until it is complete. AU holes are used lwice.

F.ychrow Out at M in at N Out at O in at P Out at Q in at R

Nostril A Out at I in at 3 Out at 2 in at 4 Out at 3 in at 5 Out at 4 in at 6 Out at 5 in at I Out at 6 in at 2

Nostril B Out at U in at V Out at W in at X Out at Y in at 7.

Continuc this sequcncc around thc nostril until it is complete. Ali holes arc uscd twicc.

Hcad, mouth and rteck Work thc hcad, mouth and neck outline using the illustration as a guide. Most of this w ill bc accomplishcd using backstitch. Sce the back pagc of thcsc instructions for information on backstitch.


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