vibro 34

vibro 34



2nd Week Ist Day

Here we are ... on our sccond week. Think of itf One week has gone by . . and whilc our muscłes, In placcs, may ache . . . it is proof that you hmvc put in good work-out# for the past 6 days. The exer-cise routinea that you get arc dc-signed to conccntratc on specific muscics one day . . . and the next day they arc given a reat. This ia what ia termed "Rhythmic Pro-gression." Ali the while . . . for the entirc 3 weeka . . . you are apeedily b u i I d i n g, BUILDING, BUIt.DlNd. This week wc are go-ing into morę strenuous routinea . . . and seriously working out. Your muacles are in better condi-tion to take it . . . bo ditth it out in hard cxcreiso. Be aurę that you keep your "Personal Progress Chart" up-to-date . . . because youni be able to watch your slow but steady phyaical dcvelopment. Now, go to it!


EXBRCISE 34 (above) In thia ex-ercise, one arrn supplies the resist-ance to the excrcising effort of the other. F.xtend the right arm forward, knuckles up. Graap your wrist with the left hatid. Now, bend the right arm at the clbow, bringing the hand up to the ahoulder. Do this slowly, reaisting the action by pushing back with the left hand. Rcpeat until your arm musclcft are slightly tired. Then reverse armi.

EXERCISE 35 (right) - This exer cise is dcaignated for strctching the lung box. Standing with legs apart, | as illustrated, swing arms upward and out away from body and back. as far back as passible, straightomng 8| body and rising up on toes. Do this 15 times.



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