Jak pisać po angielsku StronaS

Jak pisać po angielsku StronaS

Zlecenie zakupu akcji vJ*I Order for shares

14 May 20..

Southwestem Investment Centre

PO Box 205




Portfolio No.: D/281248-2-93

Dear Sir or Madam

Please buy positions in the following shares in accordance with the limits indicated. A total value of £15,000 should not be exceeded.

a) TCC Shares

to the value of

€ 5,000

b) EuroRoad Shares

to the value of

€ 1,000

c) PowerGen

to the value of

€ 9,000

(rights issue as per

allotment letter)


€ 15,000

Please debit the appropriate amount to my Southwestem Investor Account.

Yours faithfully G. P Courtney (Dr)

portfolio portfolio, portfel share akcja, udział total value wartość łączna exceed przewyższać rights issue emisja praw do zakupu nowych akcji

allotment przydział debit obciążać

appropriate amount właściwa suma investor account konto inwestycyjne

Powołanie prawnika Caliing in an solicitor


Newtown Electronics 36 Barton Road Hatfield Herts HT9 7PQ

28 March 20..

Messrs Cotton, Gummersall & Palmer

Windsor House

1008 East End Road


SW16 7UJ

Dear Sirs

Breach of Contract due to Delay in Deliyery

We are writing to you to reąuest you to represent our interests in what we consider to be a elear case of breach of contract.

From the correspondence enclosed you will notę thcrt "DV-Electronic Data Systems The Steel Box Ltd" have failed to comply with the terms set out in our Contract of Sale (see enclosure), whereby delivery of the goods in ąuestion (viz 400 VGA Monitors, Type MultiSync XL) was assured by 15th January 20..

We finally took delivery of these articles on March 10th, by which time we had incurred considerable financial losses and were obliged to supply our customers at 25% under list-price.

We have already deducted out losses from the invoice amount + 10% administration charges and transferred the amended invoice amount to DV-Electronic's account. We have, in addition, cancelled




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