50519 jow13 04

50519 jow13 04

Rad ay «any ytnro of succeocful oxnerionaa In buildin;: thousanda ©f «icn.

MOTK; If you wish groator grippins security, nut. sceno r.dhooire tapc around tko grippinf end of your Fblcrum Łong Sar — tho ooao aa you do mj i baseball bat.

Alwnyc renutnbor that no aro in a war and that prioritios and lack of skillod labor mkfl it alnoat lmpoasible to r.et ar.y dovlco nade. If you wish to paint your ollo fbr looka, do do; but wron if thoro woro no prioritien, I would pretor to loarc th»n ln tho natura! wood as ycu roooire then. Thoy aro noro practical that way and .noro nięgod and Banly loolting in tho natural o tato — nado of oak ayrsbolło of tho buildinc of youruolf Infco a young oak for ruggod j&rcngth.

Yours for lordly Jtrength liko tho Oak#


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