73847 tekst7 (2)

73847 tekst7 (2)

Quality controi

Onciiry controi is a process employed to ensure 2 certain level of quality in a product or semce. It may include whatevcr actions a business deems necessary to provide for the controi and verification of certain characteristics of a product or service. The basie goal of quality controi is to ensure that the products, services, o: pnrocesses provided meet specific reamrements and are dependable, satisfactóry, and fiscally sound.

Essenrially. qualitv contro] involves the examinaiion of a product, service, or process for cenain minimum levels of quality. The goal of z auality controi team is to identify products o: semces that do not meet a company’s speetfieo. srandaids of quality. If a problem is iderrified, the job of a quality controi team or professional may involve stopping production temporarily. Depending on the particular servicć or product, as well as the type of problem iderrified. production or implementation may not cease entirely.

Usuaiń. it is not the job of a quality controi team or professional to correct quality issues. Typically. other individuals are involved in the nrocess of discovering the cause of qual:t\ issues and fixing them. Once such problems are overcome, the product, senbee, or process connnues production or implementation as usuł.

Quaiity controi can cover not just products, sereices, and processes, but also people. Empioyees are an imponant part of any company. If a company bas employees that don'5! h".v; adeouate skilis or traimng, have trouble unnerstanding mrections. or are misinfonned. qualio. may be sęyerely diminish- d. When quair:y controi is constdered in terms of burnan bemgs. u eoncems correctable issues. However. it shoald not be confused with huntan

Ofter_ quaiiiy controi is confused with quaiity    uran c e^ lit o uy ł j tjaetwo are yery sijmiiar,

tf^u^ar^jj-omeJriasK^^    is concemed with the product, while qualio

assuance is process-orienteo-^ v    ~    "—"----

Ever. wjih such a clear-cut difference deftned, lćenrifying the diffcrences between the two ca:: bc harcu Basically. qualitv controi invo!vcs evaluatmg a product. activity, process, or service Bv contrast. cjuabty assurance is designed to make surę processes are sufficient to meet objeciBes Simply put, quality assurance ensure; a product or sewice is manufactured, imp.emented, c-reated, or produced in the right while qualitv controi evaluates whether or na: tbe end result is satisfactor,.

Ouc.ity assurance

Qu2ary assurance covers all actirities from design. development. production. inslallalion. senrring and documentation This introducedTne rules: "fil fot purpose" and "do il right tln iirs: time" It includes the regulation of the qualr.\ of taw materials. assemblies, products am. components; services reiated to production; and management. production, and inspeetion processes.

One ot the most widely uscd paradigms for QA management is the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check Act' approach. also known as the Shewb.art cycie.


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