88106 P1190377

88106 P1190377


Ew* Bug«)

Fig. 12. Bramę ribbed bowls. SO-«allcd Rtppenschalen rw«i 1 . «■ ——- 2 _ AfpcnwdH by Cnlmw (afWr von Hasc 1992. Fig IS>

KastcnwaJd Appcnwihr. which probably had a cult function (Adam e/ 0/ 1993, Fig. on p. 1 87; Aigner-Foresti 1993: 164; von Hase 1992: 257—258, Figs 20—21). Some ncw cusioms connectcd with clothes were also adopted undcr Italian influ-encc. such as tbe custom of wearing fibulac (Adam al. 1 993: 1 83—1 84 and Fig. on p. 184) Moreover. new kinds of dccorativc pattcms and representation motifs appeared and craftsmen techniques were devcloped. lt may bc observed, that hu-ituui and animal represenlations. e.g. on beli platcs, rcplaced older motifs. which had bccn developing m local tradition for a long timc. as for example a motif of waier birds i Frev 1998. Fig. 9). Besides that. some other omamcnts appcar which were madę w ith a use of compass. Furthcnnore, some new religious cusioms are also adopted. e.g.: fire dogs and other roasting devices started to appear in gravcs tn Hat p»«nM» and clearly retor to Elruscan tradition. Thosc unique cult items, that grav-es were equipped with. clearly indicate that elites probably wished to own objects not only łuxurious but also a very good quality products from forcign workshops. How e\ er. local production of such products is not observed.

In 6* cent Etruscans developed in northem Italy new social-organisational stractures. trint rrae menboncd car li er. That fact must have influeneed considcr-abły tbe region*, siiuated north of the Alps. where we encounter crystallisation of tbe Cel tac communits on the Hallstatt fbundation. The ricłi Hallstatt and latcr Celcie tumult. equipped with fbrctgn products. prove the best how deep those chnngcs n>crc < kinuning 1992: 281 f). In the first half of 6,h cent. some other changcs also

tace undcr ihe influence froin the South, such as appearance of chieftain’s WUrstcnsitzcn). which get fortifleations in the form mudbrick walls and ba-M for exan>plc Heuneburg (Frey 1998, Fig. 14) Both the Heuneburg walls Hhe technique of building it copy Mcditerranean models. In the younger layers ofihat sile some pottery was found. whose forms were taken from the local rc-Sptoire. but pastę very clearly refer to bucchero pottery. In comparatively short lod of timc. in the middlc of 6 cent.. Heuneburg suddenly detenorated. and gh it was rebuilt, that was donc with the usc of the local principlcs so in jtease foreign construction principlcs were not permanently adopted (Aigner-Hpesii 1993: 166). On the other hand, some new customs of drinking and feasting ared and became established. We may dra w such a conclusion on the basis of

_ enls ol jugs with beakcd flagons (Schnabelkanne) madę of clay, what indi-

i®® that it was bclieved that winę must be drunk from a special kind of vessels -even madc of clay, if the original Etruscan branże jugs were not available in par-ticular place (although they were common) (Aigncr-Foresti 1993. Map and Fig. oa p. 166). Fragmcnts of clay jugs for drinking winę were found in Heuneburg and at other chieftain's seats (Furstensitzen) in central and Southern Germany and ncar Salzburg. Italian influenccs in that time demonstrated also through new way of clothing and decorating clothes — i.e. not only popularisation of fibulac, mentioned by me earlicr, but also tcxtilcs, clothes cut and footwear. It is confirm-ed by that kind of rare discoveries, as for examplc fragmcnts of clothing textiles *nt' footwear from immenscly intprcssive burial in Hochdorf (Biel 1985; Aigncr-Foresti 1993: 166).

I Finally, stopping at 5* cent., we shall statc. that the changes among the com-munities inhabiting regions north of the Alps procccdcd. and it happened both Kinder the influence of contacts with Italy and duc to c\ ident changes taking place I within the local population.

In my paper 1 am not going to dcal with thosc items, connected with the Cel-I l*c World in the context of southem links. which arc very interesting and reąuire a separatc and broader discussion. 1 would only likc to mention that imer alia morę I and morę intensc contacts with Mcditerranean regions caused that Celtic com-I munitics dcveloped craflsmanship which was highly advanced both technolo-1 gically and stylistically. Furthermore. despite numerous borrowings. exceptio-I nally divcrse forms of local artistic statements were shaped at that time. which I are frequcntly described in the literaturę as ‘"Celtic art”. Howcver, as long as the I exchangc with Italy is conccmcd. the wholc system of links from the beginning I of the Iron Age, mentioned by me before. collapsed as early as in the beginn-I ing of 5,h cent. duc to expansion of Celts to Italy. Thcrefore all the contacts I with Italian communitics gained a completely dilTcrent naturę (Aigner-Forcsti I 1993: 167).

Summarising that discussion on the Etruscan connections. or rather busically I central and northem Italian connections with the regions situated north of the ; Alps one shall notę that the appearance of the firsi imports (daied as early as to


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