Ask Me Everything)7

Ask Me Everything)7

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The UN heads several agencies that work to promote human rights, fight diseases and poverty, and protect the environment. In addition, there are thousands of voluntary International bodies known as NGOs (Nongovernmental organizations). These include:

Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres)

Organizes emergency medical help for victims of disasters.

Save the Children

Champions children’s rights and helps disadvantaged and abused children.

Doctors without

International Red Cross and Red Crescent

Help victims of war and other violent catastrophes.


Protects human rights and campaigns for political prisoners and victims of injustice.

What is globalization?

It is the way that multi-national companies, ideas, and lifestyles spread increasingly around the world.

Cheap air travel, 24-hour TV, and the Internet all help make the planet seem like a smaller place. But the downside of globalization is environmental pollution and a widening gap between rich and developing nations.


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World financial markets

The globalization of the worłd’s financial markets means that a crisis in one country is likely to have knock-on effects around the globe. In 2007-2009, the collapse of the U.S. housing market caused a “credit crunch” (reduction of funds) that led banks to fail in many parts of the world and started a worłdwide recession (decline in prosperity).




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