64006 Instr 3

64006 Instr 3

Step 1:

Carefully cut and remove the interior parts on roof pieces Al, A2 and A3 (look at the key; the heavy black lines are cut lines). Glue the longer edge of Al to A2 so that the alignment mark is barely covered. Then glue the longer, tabless edge of A3 to Al-2. Press the pieces firmly together, then place them under a weight (a couple of books, for example) until the glue dries. Ambitious modelers, motivated by guilt or a strong com-pulsion to overachieve, will want to make a cardboard stiffener to glue to the back of the completed roofs. To do so, draw a template of the roof assembly with tracing paper; the edges of the template should be approximately Vs" inside all the scored edges. (Don’t neglect to indicate all the interior edges on your template.) Next, attach the tracing paper to a heavy card stock, cut out the cardboard and remove the tracing paper. Still there? Okay, then glue the incredible cardboard template to the back of the roof assembly with rubber cement or a spray glue. Check the alignment and fit carefully before pressing into place by holding the template and the roof assembly up to a light or a window (unless it’s dark out). Press firmly in place and allow to dry thor-oughly. All this takes a lot of time, and it’s not really necessary, but if you take the extra time, you’ll have the best-looking basilica on the błock.

Step 2:

On piece A4, the dome-base piece, there are a number of scores that, for the sake of appearances, aren’t marked. They are the thin black lines closest to the circular edge, indicating that each of the larger tabs should be folded down (see fig. 2). Fold the piece into shape and attach each of the corner tabs to the adjacent sidewalls. Let set. Glue the smali remaining pointed tabs to the top of A4. Let dry. Then apply glue to the bottom tabs and carefully center A4 atop the roof where indicated by the alignment marks. The alignment on the wali that faces the front of the building is especially critical, so work carefully. Press into position, then apply a weight (again, a book will do) to hołd A4 in place until it dries thoroughly.

Step 3:

Examine the three pieces marked A5 and make surę they have been scored and folded with reasonable precision. Each of them assembles in an identical fashion. First, attach the two roof edges; the white tab surface should not be visible. Then attach the white section to the roof, and, finally, the rounded wali section with all the little tabs. Make surę the wali section fits flush with the curve of the front edge of the roof (see fig. 3). Let the pieces dry. Then apply glue to the bottom tabs and the back wali, and press in place where indicated on the roof structure; the back of each A5 piece should fit flush against piece A4. Let dry. (If the A5 pieces tend to rise slightly, place a smali weight on them until the glue sets.)

Step 4:

After folding roof piece A6 into a tentlike shape, attach support piece A7 to the back of A6 (that’s the edge without the notch). The roof should not overhang A7 (see fig. 4). Let dry. Wall piece A8 attaches to A6 by applying glue first to the roof tabs on A8 and pressing them in place, then attaching the other top and side tabs. Let the whole thing dry. Then apply glue to the bottom tabs and press in place on the roof assembly (pieces Al-3) where indicated by the alignment marks. The front of A8 fits just ever so slightly inside the rectangular opening on A3; there’s a tab on A3 that should be glued to the back of A8. Place the structure on the edge of a table top, allowing the bottom protru-sion on A8 to hang off the edge without damaging it, and continue working.

Step 5:

There are eight pieces marked A9 and each of them folds and glues into an octagon. When dry, apply glue to the tabs on the bottom (the arches on th^ Windows point toward the top), and press them in place on the roof assembly where indicated by alignment marks. A smali weight (an ink bottle, for example) will be necessary to hołd them in position until the glue dries. The same procedurę should be followed with the five pieces marked A10 (make surę you distinguish the top from the bottom; the base of the door is on the bottom). Press in place on the roof assembly and, again, weight them until they set. Piece A12 also forms an octagon; it attaches to the roof structure by applying glue to the shorter tabs on the base of A12 and pressing it into position (once again, a weight will be useful). Finally, working one corner at a time, fold All into an octagon (notę the unmarked scores allowing the walls to fold down). Glue the edge of the walls on All together to make a box and, when the glue has set, attach it to the roof where indicated by alignment marks. Weight and wait.


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