72403 TME 1

72403 TME 1


FIRST APPEARANCE Thor #132 ;Sep<em6er 1966)


OCCUPATION Not appftcatf* BASE MoW«

DIAMETER 4.166 rr*««

SPECIAL POWERS/ABM.ITIES V«< nt«fcQ«nc* and pwonic powars. nctudlnfl tatopathy and MMunmin. irav«fn through speca faster than »ght and can change its **fac« appawanca


Ego is a sel f-a ware planet, w hicli dthough formed froni the same cosmic gases a mi dust resultmg Irom the Big Bang as otlier planets. somehow also grew a hugc bram. About the mzc of a smali nioon. Ego is from the Black Gala.\y.

Lgo ereated arinies ot* superhuman warnors irom its own substancc. which it sent to v omjuer orher worlds. I )urmg a battle with Gai At u s.TłlnR sided w ich Ego. but later reahzcd Hgos ovil intentions and battled it with (.al.u tus. I lnu ui rs, and hui u mu. F.eentually, Lgos <H/c was eomlensed and contained within the body ot* the Super Hero Quasar. mt

Whilc working as a lineman for an electrical company during a thundcrstorin, Max Drllon rece»ved a shock that endowed Inm with superhuman powers. He becatne the vilbin Electro. On his first outing.

Electro rol>bed Daily łfrtgłc pubhsher J.Joruh Jamesoi*, who was «.urc that Electro was Spidcr-Man in disguise.To elear hrs name. Spider Man dc&atcd Electro by short-t ireuitmg his powers with a water stream Electro then allied htmself with criminął rcams,incłoding the Sinis.i.r Si\ and the ISughtfi.il Four.

\ chronię mferiority complex causcd by an unhappy clnldhood led Electro to absorb all the power in downtown Manhattan, until calmcd by Spider-iMan. I le then attempted to os erload all of New York Citys power stations until Spider-Man. wearing a specially rnsulated eostume. bested him.

Electro recemly broke Salron and a number of other cnrnmals out of the Raft pnson. but wound up bchind bars for his pains. dw


Amaztng Sptder-Man Vol 1 #9 tFetbruary 1964)

Bectro can storo, rofcosc. and rr.ar*x*tfe eiecWcty to Sro eiectrfc

bo*«. aiong poww irm. and contro! machnory



The Llders of the Uimerse arc among the oldest scnnem creatures m the ! uniwrse. Although they sio not belong to the sanie race. they have . orne to regard one another as biodiers. This is because their litespam b• to dtc Ibimatton oftlie | use

tliey luve each chosen an aren of speculity with which to fili their eons-long lis es. In this way they manage to wwornc the inevitabłe bo redom that would otherwise k company their virtual immoftality.

1 lie e\.u t number of l lders in cMstenee rs not known. but several >»! their number have had dealitrgs with the Super Herocs ofEarth,

> Juding the Grav>mam lr, the ('• *iirt roR,the Gariiener.the 1 «>M!MHAn»R. and the Champion

•*ch F>jwr cA łjnivora* hm a «pec«*y. T>»

anómtutot. #or oaampie. dwolat rw «me to    /


-j^.1 a«fh U w growmg <A twout ti pfani Mo.


Mfttiiilly uriktihimrd Iilnlro can shapr rietlrUkf into u-hips, tendrils, and net*.

Electro eon łr«w* eo thmuijh me bodtts of other* that ho can Morały cook tfyyn tran in* móc out. The upęof Mt of h* powiani h«s rwor Own eetaUehed


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