danie 2.

'ido we pytania i zagadnienia do dyskusji)

How popular is cinema-going nowadays? Is it as popular as it used to be some years ago? Why?

1.1. What type of films do you often watch?

animated film ♦ adventure film • biography • comedy • detective film • documentary • feature • historical film • horror • romance • science-fiction film • thriller • western

1.2.    What are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing a feature film at the cinema, or on a TV


a)    At the cinema-.

(+) huge screen better for watching landscapes or battle scenes; very good ąuality of sound and picture; no commercials during the film; the latest films on; can be a social occasion; possible to watch 3-D films at some cinemas; it is morę enjoyable to see that others react in the same way as you do;

(-) you must control your reactions; you have to keep track of what films are on at cinemas; tickets are sometimes ąuite expensive; travelling to and from the cinema takes time.

b)    At home, on a TV screen:

(+) very comfortable; inexpensive; you can eat, drink and smoke while watching; commercials give you time to do other things; you can comment and laugh loudly; it can be a family occasion; you can rent a video or a DVD and watch a film you like and when you have time; you can stop the video whenever you want; it is possible to repeat the scenes you like a lot; home cinema eąuipment ensures very high ąuality of digital sound and picture;

(-) some scenes are not as impressive as when watched on the big screen; your family can disturb you; commercials cut in at the most interesting moments.

1.3.    What ąualities do you look for in a film? Do you read film reviews before you watch a film? Why?

cast • theme • screenplay writer • director • director of photography • costumes • special effects • musie

1.4. Is there a film that you think is absolutely worth seeing? Why? Give as much information as possible, including details concerning:

® the title,

•    the director,

•    the author of the screenplay, musie and photography,

•    when and where the story is set,

•    the plot and whether it has any unexpected twists,

•    who the main characters are, who acts in the film and whether you enjoyed their acting,

•    what you thought of the ending of the film,

•    special effects if any,

•    what critics wrote about the film,

•    possible awards.


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