80 (192)

80 (192)


Therapy for the flexor pollicis brevis.

Starting Position: P: Supine or sitting; elbow flexed approximately 90° and steadied against the couch; forearm fully supinated; wrist in neutral position; thumb extended. T: Standing facing P.

Grip: T's left hand grips the proximal phalanx of Ps thumb. T's right hand stabilizes P’s hand from the volaraspect.

Fig. 58 a. Starting Position.

Procedurę: Using this grip, T gradually and fully extends P's thumb.

Stimulation of Antagonists; T retainsgrip. T then asks P to move further in the direction of stretching, and resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.

Notes: Duringthe procedurę, it may also be necessary to stretch by fully dorsallyflexing at P's wrist when extension is most restricted in this position.

The interosseus palmaris I is also stretched in this procedurę.

Fig. 58 b. Finał Position.



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