aa snowflakes stars

aa snowflakes stars

ring. (cli 10. sl st in ring) 6 timcs (6 ch sps).

Rud 2: Sl st in next 5 ch of flrsl ch-10 sp, (ch 4. 2 tr. for picot, ch 7, sl st In sixth ch from hook; ch 1, 3 tr) in samo ch sp. picot ch 1, *(3 tr, pioot. ch 1.3 tr) in n«xt ch-10 sp. picot ch 1; repeat from • amund, join with sl st in top of ch 4. First ch 4 counts as first tr.

Rnd 3: Sl st in ench of ncxt 2 sts and next ch, sl st in next 3 ch of rsext picot. ch 6. (sl st in next picot. ch 6) arouuid. join with sl st in first picot on md 2.

Rnd 4: Working in picots on md 2. [ch 4. 2 tr. picot. ch l, 3 tr) in first picot. ch 2. picot, ch 3, skip next picot, *(3 tr. picot ch 1.3 tr) in next picot. ch 2. picot. ch 3. skip noxt picot; repBaj from # arnund, }oln with sl st in top of ch 4.

Rnd 5: Sl st in each of noxt 2 sts and nuxt cli, sl st in ncxt 3 ch on naxt picot. ch 9, (sl st in next picot, cli 9) around, join with sl st in first picot on rnd 4.

Rnd 6: (Ch 4, 2 Ir, picot. ch 1. 3 tr) in first picot on md 4. ch 4. sl st In next ch-9 sp on md 5. picot ch 1, sl st In ncxt ch-9 sp on md 5, ch 4, *(3 tr. picot, ch 1, 3 tr) in next picot on md 4, ch 4, sl st in next ch-9 sp on md 5. picot. ch 1. sl st In nexi ch-9 sp on rnd 5, ch 4; repeat from around. join with sl st in top of ch 4. Faslwi uff.

Apply fabric stiffener. Shapci. Lat dry.OO

Snowflake #5

MATERIALS.: Size 10 crochet cot-ton—30 yds. wbite; fabric sliffener. No. 7 Steel hook.

FINISHED S1ZE: Approximately

416" across.

SrtTCllES USED: Ch. sl st. dtr. puffst.


Rnd 1: Ch 4, sl st in first ch to form ring. ch 10. dtr (see Słitr.h Guide) in ring, cli 5. (dtr in ring. ch 5| 4 timcs. join with sl sr in fifth ch of finit ch 10 (6 ch sps). First 0 ch count as first dtr.

Rnd 2; Ch 12.sl st in samu st. uh 4. sl st In thlrd ch of next ch 5. ch 4. ‘(sl st. ch 12. sl st) in next dtr, ch 4, sl st in (hird ch of next ch 5. ch 4: repoat Erom * around. join with sl st

in jolningsl st.

Rnd 3: Sl st in next 6 ch, ch 12. sl sl In 12lh ch Croir. hook. ch 6, sl st in ncxt ch-4 sp. ch 4, sl st in next ch sp, ch 13. (sl st in next c:h-t2 sp. ch 12, sl sl in 12lh ch trom hook. ch fi. sl st in imxl ch-4 sp. ch 4. sl.st in next ch sp, ch 6) around, join with sl st in first ch of first ch 12.

Rnd 4; Ch 14, sl st in last ch of same ch 12. ch 9. sl st in next ch-4 sp. ch 9. (sl st in first ch of next ch 12. ch 14, sl st in last ch of samo ch 12, r.h 9, sl sl in next ch-4 sp. ch 9) around. do not join.

Rnd 3: ‘SI fil in lirst ch of next ch 14, ch 7, skip next 5 ch. sl st in next ch. ch 3; for puff st. yo, insert hook in sl sl just wurked. yo, puli long Ip through st, (yo. Insert hook in same st, yo, puli long lp through st) 2 times. yo, puli through all 7 lps on hook; ch 3. sl st in samo ch as last sl st. ch 7, sl st In last cli of same ch 14. ch 9. sl st in next sl sl. di 6. sl sl in sixth ch Erom hook, r.h 9; repeat from * around, join with sl st in first sl st. Fasten ofF.

Apply fabric sliffener. Shape. Lot dry. □□

Snowflake #6

MATERIALS: Si ze 10 croćhot cot-ton—30 yds. white: fabric stiffcner; No. 7 steal hook.

FTNISHED STZE: Approximately 4" across.


Rnd 1: Ch 4, sl sl in first ch lo form ring. ch 4, 17 tr in ring, join with sl st in top of c.h 4 (16 tr). First ch 4 counts as first tr.

Rnd 2: Ch 9; fnr Point, (sl st. ch 8. sl sl, ch fi, sl st) in scvcnth ch Erom hook; ch 2. skip next st. dc iii nuxt sp hutween sts. ch 2, skip noxt st. *dc in next st: for Point, ch 6, (sl st. ch U, sl st, cli G, sl st) in sLxth ch from hook; di 2. skip next st. dc in ncxt sp botwoon ais, ch 2, skip next st; repeat from * around. join with sl st in thlrd ch uf first ch 9 (6 Points).

Rnd 3: Sl st in pach nf next 3 ch. ch 8. sl st in same ch sp. *[ch 2. (sl st, di G. sl st, ch 8. sl st. di 6. sl sl) in next ch sp. ch 2. (sl st. ch 8. sl st) in m-xl ch sp, ch 2). sl st in next ch-6 sp; for joined cb sps, ch 4, sl st butkward into last ch-B sp, ch 4, sl st forward into same ch-6 sp; repeat from * 4 morc times; repeat between (|, sl 6t In firat 4 ch of fin?t ch 8, sl st hackward (nto last ch-8 sp.

Rnd «: *(Ch 10, (sl st, ch 0, sl st. ch 6. sl st) in seventh ch from hook. ch 3, sl st In same sp batweH*n joined ch sos, ch 4. sl st in next ch-8 sp. ch 3. (sl st, ch G. sl st. ch 8. sl st. ch 6, sl st) in ncxt cb-8 sp. ch 3. sl st in ncxt ch-6 sp. ch 4), sl st in sp between next joined ch t»pt»; repeat fnwii * 4 moro times; repoat botween [ 1, join with sl st in first ch of First ch 10. Fasten off.

Apply fabric sliffunor. Shape Lot dry.LO

Stioivflake #7

MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet cot-tnn—30 yds. white; fabric stiffener; No. 7 .Ttóol hook.

FINISHED SIZE: Approximutcly 4YF across.

STITCIIES USED: Ch. sl sl. tr. dtr.


Rnd 1; Ch 4. sl sl in first ch to form ring, ch 4. tr in ring. ch 3, sl st in top ot last tr madę, (3 tr in ring. ch 3. sl st in top of last tr mado) 5 times, tr In ring. join with sl st in top of ch 4 (18 tr). Ch 4 counts as first tr.

Rnd 2: Ch 11; for picot, sl sl in fnurth ch frnm hook; ch 3. sldp next 2 tr. (tr in next tr. r.h 7, picot. ch 3. skin nuxt 2 tr) 5 times, join with sl st in lourth r.h of first r.h 11.

Rnd 3: Ch 4; for Point, (tr, ch 3, tr, ch 6. picot. ch 2. tr. ch 3. tr) in ncxt picot; (tr in nnx1 tr, Point) around. join with sl st in top of ch 4.

Rnd 4: (Ch 13. picot. ch 9. skip next Point, sl st in naxt Ir) 5 lima*, ch 13, picot, ch 9, join wilh sl st in first ch of first ch 13.

Rnd 5: Ch 9, (sl st, ch 0. sl st, ch 3, sl sl) in fourth ch from hook. ch 9. [sl st. ch 4, sl st) In ncxt picot, ch 9. "dtr in next sl st. (di 3, sl st. di fi. sl st. ch 3. sl st) in last dtr mado. ch 9. (sl st. cb 4. sl st) in next picot. cb 9; repeat from * around, join with sl st in fifth ch of first ch 9. Fasten off.

Apply fabric stifionnr. Shape. Let dry.ÓU



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