cp 40

cp 40


|ATURE gave animals naturally correct posturę Watch thcm. Tlicre gocs thc horsc.

Herc comes a littlc roosler across thc farmyard strutting mcrrily along. calling the hcns when he finds a worm. or watching the sky for the sight of a hawk. Does he slouch along. bis chest fiat. his stornach sticking out?

Tbere sings blithely a red-brcastcd robin. Does he hang his head or lean łaziły against the limb of a Irce? On thc contrary he raises his littlc head and warbles Iris song. throat straight. chest out in proud natura! posturę.

Dogs havc natural posturę and you ncvcr see one leaning and unless it is sick it docsn't slouch or hang its head. Its upper stornach just undcr the ribs is held in. its chest out.

Takc your eyes off the animals a minutę and direct thcm to that mass of humanity moving down thc Street. Therc gocs a bankcr, rich. proud. posscssing cvcry rcason in thc world to hołd himself erect. but what do we see upon cłose inspcction? A protubcrant abdomcn. so large that he can't bcnd over to tie bis own shoc-lace, sboulders rounded. chest fiat. a walk that is littlc short of a drag. The man is veritably walking on his stornach. That organ has dropped scvcral inchcs at lcast. down upon the intestincs. a heavy weight whicb doesn't help eithcr his digcstion or his elimination.

But wait. this one is bettcr. Of course. for be is a police-man. Straight. apparcntly good posturę, but look again. Whcrc did he get that rounded "bay-window?" Hcrc's a little boy walking with his buxom mothcr. an ovcrfcd woman who wishes her shapc was morc sylph-like but doesn’t know how to accomplish it. The boy. you would suppose. surely would be walking in good posturę from all that he has learned in school. but cvcn he has a little pot-belly and a flat chest.

Not one in all thosc thousands who pass down a busy city Street has correct natural posturę and we wonder at thc


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