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f, / „o,hmy. I. i<W|>t»vvi«'.l/i (A < ) wyblu./ duwu, Mol |.o(.r#yv»il«* ti/oi-lMi M*l W obydwu /dania* li    i»*'y-

Ib th"l mim bl*uIIi|l    miM1

N,„|U my hittiuJ* worl «»*•' '■U|< -oun A un    (|)«i    C willi

| Ml'. I |l)lmn» II. l|lllll!J I" ll*" ' iimp.lllJM "II >wi ilu? i rniiiliy

/•m nuli nul if»"'iy i" i*"’ morwlhon /\ (j„    II t*ku    C run

;» You i .ni    •' by plionlny 112, ilu- «ui»«m.j.uu y


Ih,, u, „ni w.....iii nlil I"' lory building In th«

Unit 8

Group B

Think taike

•    ICs important to know what s going on around you at all timoB, so do NOT Usten to your MP3 player wtulę you're on the move.

•    Romomber it’s illegal to cycle at mght without Iights You could be fined if you're caught - why take the risk?

•    lt's also a good idea to wear bright colours and roflective clothes at mght so that drivers see you easily.

•    OK they aren t cool but helmets save lives - you know It makes sense.

•    Always remember to signal before you turn right or lett.

indiifih lal < li*. 11 u 1

2 The main point of this text is

A crlme B C"i«

C witnoss

A to explain the dangers of cycltng

SU>p hddhng youi hulr

you‘ll nim youi luiir do!

B to advise cyclists on safe cycling

My urn lu1# ml u tuj i h iw 1 hi I .ill lun llfe

ho used to work his honds

C to inform cyclists of the law.

A on B at

C with

«4 I voryoi w ii. looking for the person who flre to the locfil shop

When I was youi ago, I had alieady up my own company. A triado    li set    C put

S rh# policw d"' looking mto onother case of _ piracy Do you ums your parents' credit card to pay when you shop ?

A musie    B Online    C internet

Bike theft Capital



7 Przeczytaj cztery teksty związane z rowerami.

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Mulberry Servlce$: Security Notice

SMILE! You’re on TV!

In 2011 the city of Cambridge, where thousands of students live, was named the 'UK's bike theft Capital' In that year, morę than 3,000 bicycles were stolen, even though their owners had locked them. Many of the bikes were taken by gangs of thieves who then repainted them and sold them on. After 2011, a police campaign reduced the number of thefts by a third. How did they do it? They fitted smali sat nav devices to a number of bikes which were then left where th»eves were likely to operate. When the bikes were stolen, the th\eves were easily tracked and caught.

3 Asa result of the police campaign, bicycle theft in


A is morę organised than before.

B is no longer a problem.

C is less common than it had been.

Security cameras are monitoring this car park.

Drfvers: Please be aware that there have recently been several reported cases of theft from cars parked at this seryfce statlon. Please do not teave any vatuables in your car and do NOT leaveyour vehicte unlocked.

Customers In the restaurants and shops should not leave bags or valuables unattended at any time. Please report any suspicious behavlour to a member ofour security staff.

We would Uke to remind you that Mulberry Services do not accept responsfbllfty for any loss or darnage to vehicles or personal property on these premises.

Ibe gonoral message is:

A Wo're workirtg to keep your property safe.

fi We will pay loi any loss or darnage to your property

C rbu atu t(“,pomible for you i own property.

An aceident

1 was eyeling towards the pedestrian Crossing at the time All the cars had stopped, the traffic Iights were definitel’ red. Suddenly a car came speeding past, the pedestrian had to jump out ol the way and I nearly fell off my biki The car went right through the Iights and then just ; I was getting baek on my bike there was a big erash. It w obvious what had happened. The driver had lost conti and crashed into a lamp post. When 1 got to the see some men were already helping him out of the car. Fre soon a police car and ambulance arriced.

4 The car

A crashed in front of the author.

B had crashed before the author saw it.

C crashed a few minutes after the author saw

ari p

Matura FocuS 2 (A2+/B1)


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