


0.0*# 96,97,98.



Inlt. UK._

24 February 1945


Thl« plan enYlaoges attack by 5 W Ing a agalnat M/Y8 ln cloae p roi lal ty to the Rnaalan front, and will render olooo oooperation to the Ruaaian forcea operatlng 2u«t of Ylenna* Purpoae of the attack la to di8rupt and deatroy w 111tary eąulp-aeat and euppllea aoving into and unloaded at the M/Y ln oloae p roi lal ty to the front* Recent roconnalsoanco bas reroalod conaldorable conoentratlng of armour-rehicleo on fiat cors at rarious rall oentera between Bratlalara and area of Geraen counter-offenslre ln Hungary* Most luoratiTe targets at preeent are J£ot* Zaaky, Brat lala Ta, Gyor, Galanta and Komaron. Objeot of attaok is to deatroy car eon tent, and thua rendar useleas, any war materiał deatined to be uaed at the front* Our target, More-Zaaky M/Y*


The route and aiia of attaok are planned to eipose the fornation to the min-Imm. of flak.

saare fighters:

Zn Tlew of recent mis słona appreclate negllglble or nil alr opposltlon* Do not co na i der recent photography show Ing largo aggregate number of s/e flghtera on alrfiella ln Ylenna and Balaton areaa indicates Inorease in enemy capabllitiaa for defenae of Ylenna area agalnat strategie bomber* This photography almost surely includee subatantial pro port ion of non operational trainers, reserre and factory alrcraft and refer to conaiatent eridenoo of asseudały of s/e flghtera ln Ylenna area. Conaider greater proportlon of operational alrcraft refleoted to be fight-era and flghter beta bers engaged ln a rwy support operatlons* Estlmate probable scal* of effort atlll to be 40 to 50 MS 109łs and FW I90a sortiea if enemy eleots to oppose our foraationa* Flghtera ln this area ln the past havo proTided aggre6siTe and effeotlTe opposltlon and do not consider any reduction ln ability of these flghtera to hit hard when opportunlty offered ls reflected in recent deciaiona of Ylenna controller not to oppose our f armations, but fuel shortage and apparest prlorlty of taotical operat ion ln fuel allotnent may be heavy factor*


15th 7C will proride escort on PTW*


Enroute to the primary target you paso within easy diatance of ^artisan in-fluenced or oontrolled areaa. Remem ber partie ula rly those to the south of Klagenfurt, aouthwest and northeaat of Graz, and northwest of Bruok. The primary target la approacimately 12 milea from the Ruaaian Lina • Should you be forced to bali out ln that area you have the ohoice of working east to the Russians or back toward Yugo* If you aeleot the forner course do not forget the worda Aner-jcanaky and Stoy (meaning halt.) In the event of oapture only girę your name rank and serial number*

The Brenner Llne haa been blocked contlnuously alnce the flrat part of Feb*

3uppile,i are being tranaported by rall to M/Y8 north of the cuta, then tran8fered to trocka to be hauled to the next open atretoh of rall llne which la Yerona South. Łlkewlae troopa ani eąuipnent moYlng out of Italy are tranaported around the rall cuta. Maln objectire of attacka la the deatructlon of eąuipment on taaln lengtha at M/Yb and to infllct traffic diaruption at theae dłaperaed pointa* Hiotos of 17 Feb. show cen tent a of our target, Yiplteno, to be 350 units.


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