30 Tfrn*f.N«wi..Twln FaIII. Idaho Tueidey. ^pfa«vib«r 17. 1977



Study begihs on Salmo»nTRiver

Dy UOD JOHNSON Spadał U the Tlmti-Newi

SALMON - THe Foreat Scrvicc IKla wcólc Uli gatn 90 w~ "topm." to uw o Korrat Senrłce term. on tho futuro dnaalflcnUon .of tha Salmon Hlver.

Membtra ot tho Inter Agcncy. Committoo. crrotod to provMo rover oll dlrectloo to tho Forest Scrvlce^Suto of Idaho Joint «tudy" legan Monday o four-day inspectlon of thc rlvcr from Ha. confluenco wlth tho Snake Rlvor. upitrcnm to Narto Fork,. a dlstonce of 737 mile*.

bolwtcn Idaho and tho Koroit .Department ol Parka, and Dr. Scntco. The atody plon *u Ed Mlchalson, 'aailataift epproved by_Gov. CodlAndrua cŁrector of the Watce Kcaourcea ‘andtho rogloril Tircitira orlho beseerch Jnalitute ot tho Northern R^len ot Mlaaotilo UnWeralty ©f Idaho.

Rlgglns lo Whlteblrd.    by Od. 15. 1173. Theao w Ul bo

_Thc third nłgbt tho group will formal hcartngi. almtlar -to, jtąyatjhtArcUcCkcckcampoL .thotw hoMJor wlWcrnon 9ft*+ Den Smith ot Salmon Filia, manogemanL"

V-tl tho Intormountaln Region U Ogdon, Utah.

Dolt aa Id tho funcllon of the oommlttoo la to prov(de generał dlrectlon and guldonce to the •tudy.

Tho commJttco la mado up of Richard L. łlarrła. Ogden. oulatant roglonal forcitor. InUrmountoln Region, Dlvii;on of Rocroatłon and Landa; William

Dolt Indlcatcd thot not nil mombcel of tho commlttoc may be on tho Uip but. Ihat thelr rcprcscntatUcs would.

Oihora on tho trlp arc to be Doug Shenkyr. Washington. D. C., who haa ovcrail rcaponilbfllty for wlld river atudiejnatlorially for the Foreat Servico, and Bob Chrlatopher.

McCall, Poyctte National P    ^informallon- -and.

-National. Foreat aducatlcn ofłleoe-— --

supervlior; Robert Rohfeld, Metnberra of the preas and

deep In the prtmtUve area. Tho trlp wlU end Thuraday nlght after the porty haa drlven from Com Crcck. the end of tho Salmon Rlvtr Road. te North Fork?

Dur mg tho rlvtr vtilt, thc group wlU takc a look at aomo of the minlng claima and mlnernlliod areśa wlilch proaent problem* of claitlflcaUon.

Dolt sald tho wtld rlver loglilotlon próvldei threo cbffercnt ciota**: wlld. scenie and rccrentlonal. Another altornativo would be an unctaiiłfied altuatlon where thero would be no rocommendo t len for classkfleatlon of tho river becouse of It* hydro power potonUal. minerał dovtl*ptnent and potcnllof. and the prtvote

—BolL-jiotod—lhot-all—the-land - oorrldocr-portlculorlyH— lunctlonal-reporta-ofe-ahout—belweenRI|upn»andWhHcbtnl~*“ complotod by thc Foreat "These threo rlver claasen

Gervie*-4n -tho-&Umon-Rlver-giva^# toUUaimudr.-Bdt---

study. Thcsc report* arc due aald.

Scpt. IS.    ’    : Ile notrd thot parttculorly lit

"Octwccn now and tho flrtt of tho North Fork, pfea _ pcopk__

•ludy leader for the

roto*r&TVlc* Wtonornlrthe- CnMfWlIUi,".Nei—•Ptrce-twleetłłon~xilsir-have—been rlvcr vlalt. aald tho group will National Forest *upcrvlaor; lf. Uwltcd to m*ke the trlp be looklrg ar icme cf the Tom Dovla. Rolno. . Tho group will |eavo probierni and opporttoilUe* at repre*enUtlvo froth Gov. Clarkiton. Woih„ Monday

far. M- cl«al/łcollęei^ftI-.lhc Andna;-Vło-Ecklund.-SeaRJe.- morning-ln-threo^)et boatg:~Omleirl^ w^DlSTwleplni hayeTiHlicotedthey do net havc Salmon *Rtver. ———o^e«fcnaUe-froin tho Duroauot—Direotlng-tho-JeU~wUl.bc-Dca nnd fryniunitog loog-rangC.UKl^a.clcar-umkfalPfHilpg of thc

Outdoor Itecrcntlon; Paul and Dob Smith of North Fork of the rlver. prepuring the. For- ftre# rlver daasen and what is

•The Salmon Klvor W a atudy rlrcr and thcrc ha* beew no delemUnatlcn yti as to Ul foturc cleislflcotton.'* BoCt sald.

The purpooc of thc słody la to detęrnUijc whothcr the rlver from North Fork to Its cnnftoencł ihoułd t>c clauiiflćd under the Wtld and Scenie

I-lncgtr. Voncouvcr. Waih., The gręup will trovcl up the ropre*cntoUve of thc Pacific Snake Rlvcr ume 00 mile* to Northweit Rlver Dailn where the Snlmon Rlvcr enters. Commlsaton; Chuck Flood. * then go up the Salmon 15 mlloa Seottlc, £Tnvlronmontal and camp on a sandhur Monday

Protectlon Agency reprejcntatwo; and four ad hoc reprc*entatlvca from Idaho itatc Agend es:    Monte


Tucsdny nlght the pnrty wiU stay at Rlggłn* and mcci wtth

c*t Scrv1ce«SUHc of Idaho Jotpt report c4 the Rndlngs,** the offlclnj ospUincd •The report wlU not ha\*c' a proposal but will be ayallahlc to thc publlc. idenltfylng tho findings of the study. Thcsc will bc presented at publlc

the UlggHw Qty Councll rwh^>_rntttlDga. _tcnUUvely In mld-

'-KOOO 1-TT } <)ulhs sla le

Rivera Syatcm.____iUchardaridalio Flah end Gfime-'tiarof^rcwJopposilion to uny Janutsfy. 1973.

TfTeln^Agency Cominlttec Department; Wayne Hoss. claailflcetlon for the /lvcr. The flnel propoaal end csłaUiihcd es part ol Ute Kileho Watćf"rtcfcoarors Roard; wlilch hes bccn hc*vlly % report should bo rcedy to bc wer-all atudy plan dcv<flopcd Merl Dcrdell,    Idaho devclofod wgrtculturelly from prewnted for publlc hearings


Dolt sald one ol tho pirpoec* of the Fercst Servlce-epowrc<l trip Ls thc nerd te bcitrr inform thc publlc dbout whert thc Forcst Scrvtcc la In its atudy and what la bol."« der,o -

• We orc not trytr^ to aclt e Pt°Kfn^' wc don‘t harc our mind madc up on thc Salmon Riyor-study,r- he sawirsdding tiiet the Foreat Servlce musi make thc finał deciaioa.

- district fair-at J^roniG Riclifreld gets



jEROME - Nlnc erco ctnintle* aro eipccted to tekc perl In the annual South Central Idaho Dtsłrlct Kair in Jeromc Se pl 13-10.

Bill Prlcat. Jerbmc County agent, aald thot moro than 1.000 4>nungaięr are owpeelod—lo

olloued to enter thc flrst threo bluc rlbbon v» toner a of en arce fair projcct or tJioec-whom the Judgc In e portlculer dlvl*lon feeia la fuMfltd.

Jeromc wlU bc In Charge of thc stylo rcvlcw pcoKram. wlth ell-blue-draie ■peidew-wlsneee

He noted thot apeciol (lemoestrntlonB will Includc liitnbe. delry foods and poultry end ciplaincd that oll meat cxh»bHa jnust bc ocownpinkd by rccord booka.

40 new volumes

thc Wall. My Darling" by Junc Hodgc; "Rlack Am ber" by PhyHło-WhHneyr

T«o long

News Of Serviccmen

-~~frUrtp.lo łit th. f.ir R-UvłtU«, wblch will bc hcld at thc Jeromc . Courty Fetrground*.

Counlica thet vffe be par-tlclpatlng includc. Jerome, Płatne, Lincoln. Camas, Elmore. Twin Felb Gooding. Cesile and Mlnldoku Prtotf sald aacb ctnaity la

RICHFIELD - Forty ncw bcoka havc bccn addrd to thc TTic schodulc of cvents w 1H bc -RirbfleMJbihllr-iJhr^nL.--

n* foliowa: Scpt. 13 contcstanla Adult flction yolumes rw^Doclor^by-Eliiabeth Setftet:

le‘SiiS/SS5'^rtfC^5trrfTn?rtf,r,n ,h^‘aCn,lnWf to^*r~Bass;

s BSirs- b.mi

"The Gabriel Hoanda." and •*Alra Above Grcund" by Mery Stewart; ,1ema Doone". by R.

pconomlcs Judglng conteit and cuch county cen M-nd thoac the Jmlgc designates aa ellglble for home cconomlca and egrlculturul demonatretlons. Prlcat sołdJ

modem becfcontcat at2pm. A Uvc cvuluntion of stcers wlU bo hcld el 3 p.m. # _•

Scpt lf, fiter ] to i p.nuall projccta u1th the eactptkn of .

iwwtock und checkcd in.

dog« wtU bc

D BUckmore; ••Rafę,'* by WcldonlllJ; "TTiok Who lny*" by Inlflg Stonc; "The Gotden


"Run Sllont. fun Deep" by E. L Bcuch. "Matrcsj of Mellyn" by Vtctorfa llolt. 'Nlght Without End*' by Alllatcr McLcan; end "Wintcrwwod" by Dorothy Eden, _

Mysterlcr addod to thc cołlccUon erg: 'The Rellglous

BOISE iUPI) - The sute lllgbwoy Roard lut bonnrd ovrmight parking U resl arras along Idaho blghwaya.

Unlil new, the boord haa permltted motorlits to park In auch arrea for up te IC hour*. Dlrecter IJOyd UarroiCTalrRel^ldbOilflLliT^

KING HnX - S Sgt Jack anlth ls herc on a 3<May lawo from thc McGuire Air For cc baK In Ncw Jersey, where he haa bccn s talio red thc post J&LL


Winners reported for Wranglerette horse show

Jou/ncy" by Agnc* S. Ttirnbul);, Body" und "Ilenrlctu. Whov

Il#wcver, Borraa aald bc fclt II b all rlghl for a tourtst to sUy ovemtfht ^ long at he (realt lh# factlttie# la thr ml arca propcrly.

Dul dlreetor John Forming. Idnhc Fallt. sald the areoa were not dcslgned for campen. bu| as a safety measure.

The boord told the lllghwuy Depurtmrnt ta laJtlate the new pollcy .af) ń «elretlvc hasła, espcclally for retl arcas wlih llmlted spiec and toast eiosc to camping facllltles-

Aro to*. C.rcece, for o yeara duty. Sgt Smith la to the ei-plo*lve crćnaftcadlapoaal unit Sgt. SirJth and fomtly huvo been ylsltlng Mr*. Smith'* parcnU, Mr. and .Nfrrs. Wctłey Rnk Mr* Smith and chtldrcn llve to Buhl whlle Sgt ..Smith 1* In Grccce.

FILER - Results of the filtr WraągtorcfU Horac tho w. hcld to conjunctlon wlth the TWln Falla County Fair- Suturday. wtcc announeed today Mn Rei Reed. Filer, show cha Irmin, aatd sU plecea were awordcd In rlbbon* wlth a trophy for fłrst^Ucc’. An gU-TTtfflkyW

arrohTyglllfl ttifiiy. ^ponsored

by OUon'i of Twtn Feli-, and a %\l caah award. sponsorcd by the WranglcreUca. wcrc won by Ttnk Jonaa. Kimberly _ IUc£ ualUAnIi^ntrc^RcA

Den Depew. Hen sen. thfrd; Herb łUrncy. Twin Feli*, fcurth. LyloJVondcrllchrTwui Falb. fUth. unJ Sheww Joeea. Filtr, alith.

Gorer leaf barrcla - Shcrrl Mulr. Jamno, flrst; Dcrry Fcndcr, Kimberly. sccond; MorU Gotcs. Gooding, third; ITnk Jones, Kimberly, fcurth^: Denlse Fcnder. Kimberly. flfth, and Debblt SŁugel. Jeromc. alith.

Musical chalra - Ttnk Jones. JtoubcrUJUal. SufiiO^prJl,.

Reed, Nur Allen and Don Smith. Bob Hnrney waa en* nounccr,

Winnara includc- Hor-aemamhlp. 12 and under — DeUy Warney. Twin FelU.-RraL Janiec Nelaon, Jeromc. aecond; Anno Wagner, Twin Falla. third; Tamara Allen, four U. Alice Ann Rc«l. "flfih, and Nancy Krcpclk. alith, aU Filce.

Dotli; aecood, Swe BiiJcr. Twin Folia, third; Todd Mriserimith. Twtn Falla. fourth; Kethkcn Wilson. Buhl, flfth. and Daria Morrisoc. Buhl. slalh.

EnglUh-pk^isure— Toniey llollowuy. Hogcrinan. first; FrlU WonJerlkh. Twin Falb. sccond; Mory Jo Byrnc. Twtn Falla. third. Jean Murshal!.‘ TWIn Palb. fcurth. Don Depew, Honacit. flfth. jad Tamara

Jltn'a pleosurę - Rklph Goodwln. KlmUrl). ikM JonL^AlJcn^lkr. Msth Horny. Twtn Falb. second; Stvcn berrcls'*-

EUrtlett. BuM. flrst; Mary Cos. Kimberly. ateond; Seaan Parnell. Buhl, third; Tcrrl Bislcr. Twtn Falla, fourth; Dnk Jones. Kimberly,* ftfth. atvd Corel Brighl, Filer, slsth.

Trall closs — Don Depew, llanscn. flrst; Rlnk Jdncs. Kimberly. sccond. Sherry i(frte Jeromc,--third; • PauJ* GaUoway. Twin Folls. fourth; l-yic Wondcrdch. Twtn Falla, flfth. and Harold Gotchcy. Twin Felis. suto.

Horscmanohip 13*17 — Paula GaRoway. Twto Falb. Ttał; ‘ Jean MarahaH. Twtn Falla. sccond. Poula liincusttr. FJcr, third: Jerry - Mottem. TWin Falla. fourth; Shcrrl Mutr. Jcrome. IWth.-and-Herb Hor* ney. Twin Falla. sUth.

IumIici plrasurc — Poula l juk aster. Filer, flrst; Ihiula Gulloway, Twin Falls, iccond; Pom Kulbfleisch. FlUr. third; Mar u Gates. Jeromc, fourth;

"A Oacfc to the Sldewalk" and "I. Kcturah*' by Rtith Wolff; "Alrport" by Arthur Hality: -Ethan Fromf by Edith Wharton and *Torgtve Da Our Trcapaaaca" by Llpyd C Dcuglos*    ^ .«

Othc*rs arc •TUmoiwi" by Helen IluiK Jackson; "Wotch

by Cathtrtoe Alrd: Western booka ure: 'The ljtst Tmll."Betty Zonę.- -VaB»y of Wtld Horaca.” "The Thunderlng Herd —‘ The Shepherd of Guadaloupe." "The Ocsert of WkanL", "The Myaterloaa Hidcr." and "Undcr thc Tonto Run", all by Zan# tyey.

Newcomers speak to Burley cham ber

UUKLEY - ScYerał ncwcommera to Burley were thc opcakera durlng thc Burley Chambar of Commerce Monday lunrhcon.

Pr. -Charlt# troduccd Dr. Richard .Chcą*. Wto spoke brlcfly

Dr. Che u was uitroduced to the Burley arca by Dr. Richard McClurc. rodtologiat at Caiaia Memoriał Hojpital. Dr. Ote&a opencd his Office in ffcrley In August He and hl* ulfe. Mary. and three chlltlren reatde in thc Sprtngdale arca.

pastor-of thr-St. THerese Cathollc CTuirch. spoke brieRy.

Rev. Muha wo* Intfoduced by Jay Schoflcld. chamber preałdent*

Scheduling studied

By DIXl£ ODCON Times-New* writer

RICHFIELD - Richfield Scbool Trustccs diacuasod at length thc nsodular flcaible arhcdullng odopted carlicr thla >tur for the high achool.

The MFS ayaUtn pcrmlts high schód studenta morę Reiibliity tn clona schodu!#*, wlth student# havlng cios* periedt of varying lengtha on trarylng


The bcard deddodsto contlnoe ila cvaluaBon throughout thc beforc decldlng


M«rG*rIncr, f.flh. *nd    '**«

CinUlIt RUstockTł^ltr. Silh J(ev J<ut,ph Muh#< ncw

tomcinat.-waa Inlroduccd by Dr. Howard A. Domildson o* hli ntw ntaocUto. - -

Prcoldent Schofleld an* nouneed a boord of dircctors moeting ot 7 a.m. Thuraday ot Bryan’s Cafe. He obo on-nounced Out loubc Shodduck *4U be* thc gucat speaker ot Monday'* lunch eon mecttog.

On Scpt. 23 the chamber wtil hoat th# ncw tcuchera to the Caaslo County ScbbbT dłiWd and the ochooł boord

wfcether to retato the system.

Supt Neli Andreoson reported the school furnoce had bccn repotred and w-.ll be bock In opcratlon today The funuicc had bccn out of operoden »o for tots ycor

Ht sald homccGoung will bc hcld -Sept. Hr-featurlng- a football gamę wlth Dietrich, followed by a reccption.    - .    ,

Hcmeceming wqueen wHi bc— 1 * [ crowncd at gamę hdftimc'. he Mld \ homccoming dancc la achedultd in ihc school gym at 9 pnu

The boord upprovcd purchuśe of o new tchooł bu* and called for bldsT

KINGHILL-S. Sgt Eugeno OiUila. son sf Mr. and Mrs Russell Oiilda. la vlsltlng hU porent* here.

Sgt 0.1 ki* haa b#on sUUccwd ut Edwarda Alf Tor ce base In

CaHfornla. and will leave for Thalland Oct. 1.

KING HILL - H. T. Lc Joseph Hitesman, son of Mr* Denver Allred, b bero on a 3V day le«vt from Norfolk. V*.

He ha* bccn aulgned to the atomie energy sile near Ar co He U oTtuinecłmlćIon wttćft and will bc to (h# proto type

He la tó-report Sept. VTUfr~ dluty.

Nlncty-hvc per cent    otf

Minnesota‘a popuiotion llvca withai fivr mieś of rccrentlonal watem.




The T*m«t N*wi would Ma t»o»# Mloroolion coo<*«Niog 0(W«iti#i ol otgon.io

_iion to mgkf    oi ntin ro,,*r<Ołii^7'Wri(jwnrpfO'*’dcd-6twuM'otftfif'-&^ai

.Ałormol on moy ba dtn'*d. »ha r*awi d«vV oiVi rhol tka noma ol 'Ha roMn*butOf be pro »ided. olong wi»h o t#l#pho>« Awra»ba» wh#/a lhol %ovk# ol mlormor^o «oy b* raothad

TF exceeds blood quota Cmsiu hiMorical-


tKo l^no\ NeMt ho\ o daodUna ot Wo doy> t#iyy»0 on ayąnj m «tfhkh »f»t«>»mo1,gn


i- t»ad aorly anougK to «l <or^K *ei odtonca ot o Corning

Ałtva Ol 1«Q    lOlKłw^ig on ajar.i m    miofWMjlIOr

will bo orlmsd: Sorirón *v#fiLQVvit on Mo^doy. inTormotion obo^l it thowld bo* twb

in Wad^etdoy'% nawtpopar lha« o tlory moy ba tvbmiMad

Thara i% no Umil on how tor

FALI25 — A total of 167 ossiaUng    ___ _.rf ..

Ia nf >1'k>i w .u ^..pjdnrl Volunteer workera were Mr*

a mi*. >v.a nu*


Bfi i

C^ Monday In th# Twtn Folia . i-Orooiblood drtvc. csceedlng the

quoU of 130

Frank Mogenaen unt aworded o l^galton ptn. wlth

orołg Raomaii. mtt W. #. Untlng, Mrt Ualle Jonr*. Mp. Bcnr.o Dc ter i. Mrs Heber Uughmlller. Mrs. Howard Mliii, Mri. Rlaon Basom. Mrs.

ali-SaDofTprM gWen to Itoberl Rulh*XuńkcI. Mrs CTtmrBcto*

v*% o*»**•••    kina*

«■*•»* **-*••«- w, iiao. *#•/.

•>•••.« lu*    *»•(*«

;••*.»* av— » *nt> m +•% vo«•»

M M /•**•» #•<•!»• trę H    4 C*»»»•*•

society asks a id

llflpurmnC — |Im* fuli uartir*. not nirUmnr*. Itr »«rr «ll tiMimr* arr «|»rllnl

Nuutu umł li\łc of «’,on*rił»ul«»r Teleuliont*.........Town .

Down Ing and James Webb.

Of the total, 125 pinti wert donaled aa replacernant bkod. uccording lo Ireno Baiocn. Red Crosa sccrotary. The blood drawing was hcld In the American Legion HaU.

A four-gallon pin was aworded to Francis Truć; thrct-gillon pin to R W. Módl and; two^allon pin to

welł. lutUt McCoy. Mra Uura Woepfer. Mrs Elmer Hagarly, Mrs. R A Fcndcr, Mrs. Tom Darrtngton and Mrs. Glrnn Ncbon.

DeMolay members ioadieg and unloodlng wcrc Jerry Mrat. Scott Roberto. Jeff Gr.gg, Phll Pcnco ordNtcye Ohma

Bur ton Hulsh donsled Juko cuul mlJk. and thc Hau* Fraas

v*”‘»*‘ <"•    Wl i

V** * ***•■• •    ><Kf ik

«»•••*    Mwm Ofr«»* •    

<ry.*    h«.m ł(*>H

*««i l>*    C ••* M» •    *•<«

<!*•« •'•»*•••


HUHI.KY -.(teMOtmiy noW uilmt the VKW H*D In Hiatorlcal Society pfflctrs Burky aa a mcetlng place.

.m-% roqvMi*tod f Inanciol aiil from tlw Smythe reported    A .    .    ....

’i-U.^ou<}(yxuiu:nmtuoc(a.Mcndiły__Hic_ccn'jnLuló!}fJ3Infonr^l OrfjMUUłilUiH <f-»«•"*-> • • •

Dtooffictrs. At Ihiwsen. Mlkc the Senior CtUiens group thcrc    *

.Pul*. AiAwMS«ll«in rlw    kłrs.ćhcołt-iid

lo Jolten Ole»». Kenneth W*rt. coffee. SJj(«r and cre»m we/e


W»"»* ^ f »•*••• r.^glM M*l •»*»,

***»    «•** &•••« ta*.

•••W illl M.Ł»nn    • ****-<•


**'* »<•* <*•••» H#n,    U»%

\*na,Dw«. h,(.n o»i« i    Mi

•Młhif, l.»*«•» l«l. C*wa‘ »f»# •‘im* 1    l'<w>» •••M,

Keller and U*o Hcnschcid, arc asklni; $3.100 for repulrt and egikcct) of the county ruuaeum - John- Clark, commtsiian cłuirman, sald nny funda would fave to be Uidgetcd from a mlii l#vy. ActordityJ to law. up to .15 nuli* eon be Icvlcd lor tKiss purpow. Tlie caminlaaiontti

was ad law that gave the county commiidtoncrs the right to glvc

them uny funda. ____

'JohnhyMcGlll reported to thc conuniaalonera thc problem of Rlegol dumping caat of Declo Sweral montha ago the commlsslonera modo an agrtement wlth Wuyne


w m> mu: kky mmi: iwoiaku?    1..11 m.h. r^., mi,..)


uild it would rcgulrc .6 of o mili Newcomb for $1.000 to clean up W 11KM K IS 11 f

to^W.WsJDura Uuid »thaDoctoducipalt# wbich.lixft.


Mark Bnrne. Chortea Plggott and !van Rood. - ••

Dr. John P. Gtbney waa thć allandlng physlclan. oaatated by reglaUred nur ar#

McKaln. Mra.

Stahacker/ Mri Frod. Bym, Mra. |Cenpeto^Olvąn/ Mrs. Luthar Thompson and Mra: Werner Kramor.

donoted b> Gem State Paper ond tho HollUtcr ‘ Grange served cookłe*

Tho Twin Kalla Jayceea Mra.-John- dmoted thc w cf thc Legion Charles HaU.

Mrt stt«nt    **•% Au|i«u

«•»% /«-»• &»H !'"♦ (Hv4 Młf» »**v Mir

Om tir

C«. »    twi «•«», funt

!• m—' <»••«

0$rrm. ©•*'•    U«. yr.itMkt

Mm Ctielit MiRt/i VI

l|U , M»,|t


Dlood Urlvc dsnori ««•:' - l,"Ir

w#*d    i»hm. mm



■ ■KMrt    'Dmim

m* Csnw. jset. m*«

Uw.legał mnalntum Walter .Sn\ythe waa apokesman for tho Senior Cltlien group and rcąoested ftnaActol aid from thc county for a twlldlng for o meetang ptoro. Smytho reporjcd fęderaT grania wklnot buy oroocrty but

Mre. Wandali Gloyalato/Mra.

*••6 Mm mim M.w mm

M*<«**^l k»MM Ot. MIM Mrt e»%t-    »!«*• JM“r

t^%t9    Mr% it>«

MOO#»« rtrr ó«* l **t<%%•>. tt« !*• *%•*+    jM/» NtM,

wlU pay rent.

The. ołd Coaahi Lumbcr UjRdlng and yard* ot 1&34 Ovtriami Ave. would be on Ideał place for o Senior-Cltlien

-Newcomb a land. Newcomb hes hlrcd McCin to doan up thc. toto. McGill reported’ to thc ccfnmissiońers ho ia worklng on the sito In his spore limo and pcople are dumping faatqr than

ho caa.cfcanJLup----

At ono tlmc all thc old car bodtoa wkre hauled off ond no w there aro 00 old cara ot thc

Declo Dump.----

The commiaatoncra nodftod the ccunty ahcrUfa Office d the

w u en is-ny

J«*«M YlnctM. r«|M.|    Mrt

V*c«l YMHMn CWU *Utl**%    ■    .

Ocmem *»>4. Mrt    JMMM,

Mm m»i    Cm*4 vt*»Ctt»mm*

M/%    Mn M•mey

A*r» JMrwit UM«>. M0t U4M Cm. e    r-ft    » O

'•HM Atn* *»t»» tMlt » 9AM9 "trttf    0««M    “Mt"

•• <,HM    Ceitier. »ccofdlntt-lA-Sinylh>_probUowat UI«a,l.<li*npUłfl-0ł-

"•'-J, '«■    Thl,c nrt'i 1)01,1mwnbcrł ot Dęcia and rwjocrled thc chcrlff

Tr*^.    *51» Tt.wjr. the ScAiof Cttluns group to to ppllce tho area and Isiue

Canta tmd Mlnldoka counUa. dtaUana to offendera.



Kidd. Mrs. \hllbur MaUhewi. Mra. linceLn Keatner and Mrs. WillUm B^ker wero tha LPNs

|*rr    "»/*d    MM.


'm.*t94 4M«)cm.M«n kt





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