M Tkittfrłłiwt, Twln Faiłt, Idaho Sund*. Octotw 1$. 200S


Utah slips in smart State awards

SAITIAKI. CriY <Al') - Ali aimii.il ranki nu nl llie naticus MtiarifNi siau-s ranks tli." i ni ilu.* iimkłli' nf the pack -- lnu sliuws ilu- Mali- slipping. * .

I hali ntnkci! IM«U r>0 stales sur-uwl liy Morgan <>uino IIcss. a kaiis.iN li.iMti imivp(*mlc*tii re-mmii li and publislimg ttiminuiy iliai Inr U> year. Iun nnimally mnkni Mam and cities Inr salrty. Iiralili. Iiwtbility uml smariy Malm r.uiktl LNith.a nokh up ImmlaM \vais ranking

University of Utah objects to story about reactor security

NAM l.AKl CIIY »AI*1 -tlimriMl\ nl Ulali olliciitls are nlijit mig in a iininmal irlwi-siuii icpml lli.il silggcsls Mfiitity in inaiht|iiaic ai ilu* Ni łiimlN imile.u-pinYcrciI re-sc.mli mai nu.

Schudł nllicials ronlcml Alu n Mory. which aiieil MiuimI.iv as parł nl a "1’nmc-linie" news inag.i/inc report mi Mt uriiy ai leacinfN nil college c.impilses u.iliniiwiilc. w as iiiaeciirale.

In a sialeiiieiu issiied f riday, A IM Neus saill U in "eMiemely pmud' ul llie Mory. wini li wat llie lesiili nl a Iniir-niniul) ill-vcsiigahun at 25 cni lent* c;impiiM*N cumluciitJ by M) grailuaii- niuiIciiin.

" I lic icmiIin nl llie iiiv«*>ii|*a-litłii spcak Inr lllelliselws." llie Ntnteiiienl said.

I be icpml said pnnr senni-i\ nu campiiNCN cnuld leace ii'aclniN uilneralile in leirnr-in|n alicmpliilg lii luujd Micallcd duiy linmlis.

"I ale al niglii ai ihe Uiiivor-Miy nl Utah. Nimleiiis weie iincli.illcugcd a> (liey ap-pn wclieil llie luiildiup li<itisiny* llie •lejctnr." ihe AHU report said..

Tiimelime” (pinteil ime nl n> inieniN. \v|n» was assjgnrd m gaili ac(VNN milic Umwrsiiy nl (dali reacinr: "V\V wre ex-ptrting. nl coiirse. iliai all Ihe dniiis wniilil be Inckcd. and we ined in lind a dnnr. and the dnnr wat opefi. li was 12:30 a.in..- and we walkcil in. and iliai was pieily scary."

I hr ii ller iis idcntiliit! litem* ncKcn as studcnis. lun did nnl diNcluse their rclaiioiiship willi AHC Newy AIW* spukeswomaii Calliic I evine said.

Hm {hals nm tpiiie whai liappcncd wlien ihe iwo fe-małe AHC inieniN ca me to campus iii Inne. mik' Melimla Kralicnlnihl. direci .r nl ihe uniwrsiiys nurlcar cnginccr-ing program.

Alllimigli llie iwo womcn did enler ihe unlncked Merrill lillginccriiig llir.ltliny*. which liniises llie reacinr. Ihcy did nm Hel ilirmiHh fmir Inckcd doors almie In access ihe reacinr. kralicnlnihl said.

Sccuriiy.checks were nm on bulli woiiicn.'Traci Curry and Micliclle K.thinuwil/. and llicy were askitl (u leave their back-packs oulsklc ihe reacinr and iis 1’ont'ol rumu lic-rure an es-coricd nur. Kralieubuhl said.

"Ihey are lelling people liter*' was a gaping hole in nur seo riiy. which there was nm. 'Ib.* sccmłiy plan wnrkcd. r.lvy were esenried al .all limes.' kralieubuhl said.

Krahenhulil said ibai in Au-Husi she spnkc willi AHC ptoducei Maddy Saur- iii New York. iryiiiH m ensurc the net* work had llie correct ittforitiatioii.    *

Hriau Hoss. a chief iiwrsliga-live cprrespondenl at AHC News. said Ihe studenis weie traim-d prior to visiiinH llie campus and lold hy nudear experis workinn willi AHC wh.ii lypes «l security proce-dures — nr loopholcs — io waich Inr. •

Hoss said llie inicrns maile two irips io the Ulali reacior. one sciieduled and a second unanimiinced visii at 1


On ihe firsi visu, ihe inicrns (IiouhIu u umtsual ihai iliey were nm asketl to produceany vcrifving ideulificaiion. wlien signing the visitors registry. Hoss said.    *. '

On the second irip. ihe in* terns entered the unlncked buUding willi a video camera and laped pictures of the feac-tors securcd dnnr.

"If tliey have a survciUance camera taklng pictures on the outside of the reacior wouhl trigger soine responąc t»y po-lice,' Hoss sald.

Kralicnlnihl sald univvrsity offidals were aware the siu-dents were in the bullding.

“We do stand liy their work." Ross said. "Were not trying to make mora of il dian it fs.”

Ci..i. railked 2Hth in 2004. was 25lh in 200.'!. and I7ih in 2002. the firsi year of tlić study. according to Inforibation front' Morgan (juitmritWfch sile.

Ihe Smartest Siatę Awarii ranks pre-kbiderHarten. IlirmiHh I2lh gra dc education acmss the 50 States, llie company comparcs ‘national siatistics front 21 eipially wcighicd factors. ińcltiding Hradiialion rales. icsi results. and average class .siz.es.

llie smartest siatę thb ycar wasVcrmont.

Koch year the company fine-tlmes its methods of auulysis. president Scott Morgan said. The currcnl methodołogy places less cm-pliasls on per pupil spending and inore on student achieve-mciii, hc said.

Utah's slip in ninkJngs this year is tied to Its large classsizes.

■Abti'te terrible on dass si/e." Morgan oąilailted 1-riday mont-

iug.','Worie on pupil-tcadicr ralio ... and your (National Assessmont of liducitioitnl Prognss) scorcs arenl jKutiailarły suong eitltcr.'

Hrett Moulding. curriculum direcior at the Utah State Office of liducalloit. rcv1ewed (hc study data andagrees.

“I second thai:" Moulding said of Morgans Interpretation. "We know wiiea1 wc stand; this d.n.Ys aeailablc to the world. Iltcy*vc just asscmbled it in one place for people to look at.”

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