Ośrodki zarządzania w polskiej gospodarce

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The article analyses the distribution of the seats of Poland’s morę important enterprises, making use of the newest version of the “List of the 500 largest enterprises in Poland in 2000”, from the Institute of Economic Sciences, PAS, and the Ministry of the Economy^ Economic Information Centre.

The main aim has been to study the differentiation to the distribution of seats or headquarters across the settlement network and in regard to the administrative division of the country now in place. The European Classification of Economic Activity was madę reference to, along with a breakdown relating to ownership structure. Spatial aspects to export success and employment were also investigated briefly. Company size was addressed by reference to total turnover.

The results attested to the role of Warsaw as the leading centre of business management. A similar concentration of the economic control function is to be observed in other European capitals like Paris, London and Vienna.

It proved possible to identify three hierarchical groups as regards the location of business management, i.e.:

1.    that conferring a dominant role on Warsaw (in sections J, G, K, E and 1 of the economy) or an absolutely dominant role (sections A and H),

2.    that conferring a dominant role on voivodship (regional) centres other than Warsaw (as in section F),

3.    that conferring a dominant role on poviat (“countyM or “district") level centres other than voivodship capitals (as in sections D and C).

It was possible to conclude, in generał terms, that headquarters locations are mainly connected with the type of activity engaged in. In particular, the morę advanced the sector of


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