
L. oU. 2.^7 jA\va (translation)

Telegram received fron Poland on Pebrua.ry 7th.lv44

To:- Prirae Minister Stanisław Mikołajczyk.

In connection with the Soviet statement on Pclish-Soviet rolations, we deolare in the name of the people in Polami that the only lawful and le itimate representatire of tlie interests of the Polish nation is the Polish Oovernment in London, round trhich all claaees and oiroles of the Polis], people, all political partie8 and groups rally, with the only ezoeption of some lnai^jiifioant onee whioh ore in the eervioe of the SoYiots. Under the direotion of its Government, the Polish nation has boen fi rhting the Gerraana rolent-leaely already at the tine when tlie 3oviets were in alłianoe with tho Third Reich in oollusion with whioh they partitioned Poland, and acoisted Germany in her war against the Aliiea, The Poliah people oontinue their strugało unoeasinly at the cost of onornoua eacrifioes, applyin mothode aooordinev to Poland ła interests, and will not oonsent to be used ae a tool for the piane advanoed by the Boviets who, aęain, strivo for a now £>artition of Poland and aim at impoaing on her a Oommunist r6,:ime.

The Eastern provinoes of Poland, whioh the SorietB in their statement now demand, were overrun by thera in agreement and ooopora-tion with Germany. The plebisoite oarried out on theae territories under the terror of Soviet occupatior; ,in nowway repreeented the froo will of the population. The aosertion that the fate of tkese lando was prejudt:ed by the 3oviet Conetitution is inoonsistont and contrary to all oonoeptions of intornational law. The Polish nation oategorica ally and finały reject SoYiot olaiiae to tho Eastern provinoes of Poland, reaffirm the prinoiple of inyiolability of the frontiers established by the Treaty of Riga, and will nover oonsent to a new annexation of any part of Poland.

The Polish nation is deterznined to defend, by all poeeible means, tho integrity of the iiaatern territoriea of the Rcpubłio.

Waraaw, January 15th, 1&44.    THE OOTERNKENT’3 PLBNIPOTKNIIARY




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