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4. A member, upon making written application accompanied by evidence of qualifications satisfactory to the Membership Committee, shall be transferred to the class of membership for which application has been madę on payment of the appropriate annual fee.


1.    The governing body of the Association shall be a Councll consistlng of the Imrnediate Past President; the elected Officers of the Association; the Editor; representatives

of the different classes of membership hereinafter called Directors; the Chairmen of Subject Divisions; representatives of each geographical district, hereinafter called Councillors, all as hereinafter provided.

2.    The elected officers of the Association and the Imrnediate Past President shall constltute the Executlve Commlttee of the Councll, hereinafter called "The Executive". In the event that the Imrnediate Past President cannot serve he shall be replaced by the most recent Past President avallable.

3.    The elected Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Vice-President Elect, an Honorary Secretary Treasurer. All elected officers must be Members of the Association. The President shall not be ellgible for election as an officer for two years after the end of his term of Office.

4.    (a) By a majority vote of Members at an

Annual General Meeting, suitable electoral districts shall be established for the Association Year. Two Councillors shall be elected by the Members of each district to represent it, as hereinafter provided. In drawlng the boundarles of the Electoral Districts, consideration may be taken of the geographical distribution of Members without regard to the votlng strength in each district. The boundarles may be altered or corrected at any subsequent Annual General Meeting, provldlng always that there be at least one Councillor from each province in which the Association has flve or morę Members, and that the total number of Councillors be not morę than twenty.

(b) Councillors shall serve for a two-year term. Each vacancy will be fllled by the annual election of a Councillor to serve a two-year term, save as hereinafter provided in the event of the death or inability of a Councillor to complete his elected term.

5.    There shall be four directors representing the various classes of membership, vlz:

a Director of Members, elected by the Members of the Association, a Director of Affiliates, elected by the Affiliates of the Association, a Student Director elected by the Student Members of the Association, and a

Director of Corporate Members elected by the Corporate Members of the Association.

6.    At its first meeting, as hereinafter provlded, the Councll shall appoint an Editor who shall be a Member of the Association. He shall hołd Office during the pleasure of the Councll for the Association Year.

7.    From time to time when the posltion becomes vacant, the Councll shall appoint a fuli time salarled Executive Secretary. The Executive of the Association shall be responslble for arranging an agreement

between the Association and the Executive Secretary providing for such questions as salary, pension, tenture, etc. as determined by the Councll.

8.    The President, Honorary Secretary Treasurer, and the four Directors shall hołd Office for a term of one year. The Vice-President Elect shall automatically succeed to the Office of Vice-President.

9.    All Officers, Directors, and Councillors, except the Editor and the Chairmen of Subject Divisions, shall be elected under the provisions of Article VIII.

10.    There shall be a Membership Commlttee composed of the Honorary Secretary Treasurer, who shall be chairman, ex officio, the Executive Secretary, who shall be permanent secretary, and not less than two addltional members, all appolnted by the Councll at its first meeting as hereinafter provided from the Members of the Association. The meetings of the Membership Commlttee shall be called by the Honorary Secretary Treasurer at his discretion, and this Commlttee shall hołd office for the Association Year as hereinafter defined.

11.    There shall be an Edltorial Board composed of the Editor, the Executive Secretary

as Associate Editor and three members appolnted by Councll at its first meeting. The Board may add not morę than three members of its choice at its first meeting. Meetings of the Board shall be called by the Editor at his discretion, or at the request of the Executive. The Board shall hołd office for the Association Year.


1.    The flscal year of the Association shall close on December 31st.

2.    All elected officers shall take office at the close of the Annual General Meeting and shall hołd office untll the close of the next Annual General Meeting. This period shall be called the Association Year.

3.    The head office of the Association shall be at the City of Ottawa, Canada.


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