


compte &ne oj stmoplmic and monophonic

Tape Recorders

f/e/cf Tested for One Year


SPCCIFICATIONS-Tac* Soccj: 7.5 and 3.75* S^COnd. Mo«»-frum rcel si*e: 7*. Frcouf ncy rcsoonse: (reco/d-ptayback): ± 2.5 db. 30-12.000 cos at 7.5 IPS. ±2.5 Ob. 30-6.500 cos al 3.75 IPS. Harmoo.c diStOrtiOn: 1% Of l«rss at no/mai rtcordmg i*vtl; 3X oless al Dean fCCOfdiog l*vel. Signal-to-nois* rafio: 50 db or ocitcr. rc#CffCd to normal rtCOfdiflO kv#l. Flultcr and wOw: 0 3X PMS at 7.5 IPS. 0.35X PMS al 3.75 IPS. Hcads (3): erase. r»-cord. and m ima stereo playback. Playback e<Juait/ai«on: nartb Curve. within ±2 Ob. InPulS (2): m»cr0Dbor\c and l.ne. Input imOedance: I megonm. OutOuts (2): A and B stereo cnannels. Outout lc/eis: aPProumately 2 vOltS maiimum. Output impedance: AopfO«»mately 600 Chms (catnode toltowers). Record ino ievcl ind»cator: Professional lype db mc ter. BaS-erasc Ireouency: 60 *C. Tim.ng aCCuracy: ±2X-Power reouimmcnts: 105-125 vOltS AC. 60cycl*s. 32 watts. Oimen-sions: 15X# W. * 13X' O. totai heioht 10X#- Mountino: rcouirts minimom ot 8X* belo* and \'// abOre mOuntmg sur4ace. May bo OPcratcd in Cithcr hor,*onlal or rcrt.cal POSłtiOn.


Designed to take their place in the finest of hi-fi system*, the ne\v modeli TR-IG and TR-1 D Tape Recorders will provide superb performance for ycars to comc. Thesc com-plctely field tested, precision engincered instrument* provide monophonic record and playback in the TR-1C or monophonic record and playback plus stereo playback in the TR-lD.

The mechanical assembly, with fast forward and rewind, is completely finished and adjusted—you build only the tape nmplificr. Easy to assemble, the amplifier features two Circuit board* which virtually eliminate wiring errors and aasure the high stability necessary for consistently good results.

Low nowe EF-86 tubes in input stage and push-pull bias erase oscillator asstire maxi-mum freedom froin hum and noisc in rerording and playback.

Two inputs are provided fmike and high Ievel linę) for recording from microphone, preamplificr, tuner, phono, or TV. In the TR-lD, a separatc playback channel with cathode follower output is providcd for each stereo track—one of the stereo channels is uscd for monophonic playback.

Separate record and playback heads and amplifiers allow monitoring from tape while rccording. Built-in sound lcvel meter indicates proper recording lcvel and bias for top quality recordings. A pausc control allows instant starting and stopping of tape for accuratc cueing and tape editing. Kit includes counter for cueing and cditing case.

The precision tape mechanism features hea\-y duty fan cooled motori bklanced fly-wheel, long-life bcarings, and positive acting braking system. Push button proyides instant selcction of 3K or 7 JĄ IPS tape speed. Safety interlock on record switch minimizes the possibility of accidental erasing. The handsoinc styling includes pl.istic escutcheon in soft gold mounted on semi-glow black panel with black knobs with gold inserts. Completc instructions provided for assembly and operation. This outstanding kit offers a combina-tion of features found only in higher priced professional tape dccks selling for $350 to S400.

MODEL TR-lC Monaural Tao* Och: Has all features of model TR-lD with the etceolion ol *a e*Q0g stareo olaybacif. Shpg. Wt. 30 lbv    1051

MODEL TR-lD Sterto Taoo Dech: Provid«s monaural record and playback and jtoreoghonlc otaybach of tha ore racorded łapa* (stackao). Snpg. wt. 3016*.

MODEL C-TR-lC Corwersion KII: Converts model TR-lC to indude stereo functlon ol model TR-10.






MK-4 HaII-Trjck Sterto Conv«rftion Kit: MOdifiCS TR.1A monaural taDC r^corder to mdude funchon o1 record and playback ol MlMrac* stereo Oronram materiał. Cons.its ol a T£-l iao# prcamolilicc. a stereo head array plus componcnls and InsIruCtiOns !0 C0n*CrJ TR IA to TR-1 AM.    U2.K

MK*S Quar1tr*Track Stereo Conyersion Kil: MOdifies TR-1A monaural uoc record or to mclude function oi record and Playback ol ouarter-UoCH stereo. Allows olaying sierco polh ways on Stargard laoe for tw»ce tnc Dla/mg limo or lojr limes PftyiftO timc with monoo^on.c rocordings. ConsiSlS of a TE-1 tape pre-amplifier. a sterro n/*ad afray Plus components and instructions to COrwert TR.IA to TR-1A0-    U2.tS

Our most \ersatile tape recorder kit, the model TR-1 A now can be ptir-chased in any one of three \-ersions. You can buy the ncw half-track (TR-1AH) or (|U.irter-track (TR-1AQ) versions which record and play back stereo and monophonic prograinining, or you c.m buv the original monaural ccrsion (TR-1 A) and add either half-track or <|uartcr-track stereo provisions later using the MK-4 or MK-5 Conccrsion kits. The taj>c deck is e.\trcmcly simplc to assemble and uses precision bcarings tliroughout the rugged mechanism assuring long and faitliful scrcicc. One control Icccr selecls all tape handling fimetions on the deck. grcatly siinplifying operation. Spceds of7.5or 3.75 IPS are avnilablc. Fiut ter and wowarehcld to less chan 0.35%. Each tape preamplificr features NAR TB playback equalization, separate record and playback gain control, cjthode follower output and provisiou for mikc or linę input. Record Icccl is indicated on “magie cyc” tubę. A safety interlock is providcd to minimizc accidental erasure of tape. Filament balance control allows adjustment for minimum hum lcvel. Cathode fol-lowcr output from playback channel is appro.siinately 600 ohms impedancc. Two Circuit boards are used for easy assembly. Supplied with attractive vinyl-elad sieci cocer in black leather tc.sture, with inlaid gold design. Tem-plates and instructions providcd for panel mounting or equipmcnt cn-closure installation.


MODEL TR-1 A: Monaural record/playback with łast forward and rewind funchons. Shpg. Wt. 24 Jbs.

TR-1A SPECIFlC ATIONS —f»«-Qucncy Rrsbonsc: 7.5 IPS ±3 db 50-12.000 CP*. 3.75 IPS ±3 <Jb 50-7.000 COS. Sionat to No«se R.sfiO 8i>tlfr fhan -»5 db bł-low tuli Oufbut ol 1.25 wolls /ensnnel. H.fmbrtic DiSlortion: lessthan ?f,af luli butbut. BusErase Frcoucncy 60hC (push-bull oscilialbr).

# .


MODEL TR-1 AH: Monaural and half-track stereo record/playback with fast torward and rewind functions.    $1 AQ95

Shpg. Wt. 35 Ibs.

TR.1AH SPECIFtCATIONS—Fr. QuvnCy Resbbnsr^: 7.5 IPS *3 db 40 15.000COS. 3.75 iPS ±3 db 40-10.033cos. S"irijl to NoiscRatio.45dbbciowiulioutbut of 1 voU /channel. Harmonie Dis. lortion: less than 7% a! fuli outowi. Bias Erase Frcoucncy: 55 hc (ouso oull oscylator).

MODEL TR-1 AO: Monaural and ouarter track stereo with record/playback

fast torward and rewind functions. Shpg. Wt. 35 Ibs.


TR-1 AQ SPECIFtC ATIONS—freouency Rcsoonsc: 7.5IPS ± 3 db 40-15.000 COS. 3.75 IPS ±3 db 4010.000cos. Sidnji to Moise Ratio: 40db bclow tuli oulbul ,75voils /cnanrtci. Harmonie Dis-torlion: less łhan 7% al tuli output. Bias Erase: 55 hc (push-pull oscillator).




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