Changćt on Fivt Uf lis.

blows behind is not ałtered in its Work, it should he tememhered that.uwing tu fourlh'? płace being mado, U wili have to strike tU‘o consecutivć blows over one beli.

[f, as in the following, a bob he called at the end of the plain course, it wili be seen that the lead-end becomes 14235, thnt t and 5 are m the same place? as in rounds, and (hal we have 4 2 3, insteud ot 2 34.    1 f we 1 ing another course, although

1 and 5 will be in the sarnę positions, the positions of 2 3 4 will be agam altered. Tlnis, by cal ling a bnb at the end of each fourlh lead, Ihe estcni can be pruduced. This is known as the exienl with the "Jifłh itte. ohsewatton htlL" which meitns ihat the bubs are caIIud each time ihe liflh cnmes into the positiun m which she is at “hanu,’* tiul is, in her owa placu, at lim lead-end, which is, uf cuiirsc, ihe lead-end ar which she iieb thufour bluws behind. Ariy nl.her beli, hnwcwer, may be usnd as tbe ohservation beli, provided thal a bob be called every limę the sdected beli i i es the bur fi Iow? behind.

The time lo ivr// |: Uob" is fas printed) whett ihe trrhle ts striking her Lee k-sit oko blow in second's płace, as ihis gives timeiy warning ro those helis whose work will he aliered by a bob, that the bob work is lo be dorte tnstead of the plain lead wot k.

As, by the time the plain cunrse lias 1 >e«n maslered, the men will have hec om e accustome.d to mcci certain helis in certain piaces, and will knnw lite bel!? lo folio w Irom niernory rat her than by looktiig for theni, tt is a goud ibing, w hen prarlising the bob work and going for the ! 20. tu cali the bob a I the fust lead end, when ihe conduetor, tf mu urigirig the obseiwalion beli, which would ihen be the fourlh, can cal! ihe suceueding bohs by obsercing wlicn the fourlh is again behind, 01 by. as will at first be fonnd much easier, cuunting the subserjucnl leads and Ca)ling ‘•bob" at every fourtli    ff, ho\vever, łie will

takt- the irnublr- to prick ihe peal tn fuli jor by the lead-ends.


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