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Daily Bible Study


Mount Gilboa

Mount Gilboa, from the Hebrew word meaning bubbling (named after a fresh spring located there), is a section of desolate hills in northern Israel. It is perhaps most famous as being the location where Saul, Israel's first king, and his son Jonathan, a very close friend of David, were killed in battle against the Philistines.

Mount Gilboa is located on the eastern side of the valley of Esdraelon, or Valley of Jezreel (see Armageddon).

Galilee is to the north, Samaria is to the south, The Jordan Valley is to the east.

Jesus Christ lived much of His early life working with Joseph as a carpenter in nearby Nazareth, about 15 miles (24 kilometers) to the northwest.

Before his battle with the Philistines, Saul consulted with a Witch at Endor, a small town north of Mount Gilboa (1 Samuel 28:1-25). He died soon thereafter (1 Samuel 31:1-13).

Fact Finder: What did King Saul actually die from during the battle with the Philistines?
1 Chronicles 10:4

Copyright © 1999 by Wayne Blank / Daily Bible Study. All rights reserved.


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