To succed in + verb+Ing- zdołać
We succeeded in persuading a lot of people to join our protest.
Manage + to + verb- zdołać
I managed to contact him just before he left his office.
Manage + noun
I don't think I can manage the whole walk. I think I will turn back.
(manage może mieć po sobie bezpośredni okolicznik--- succeed nie może)
We've achieved (accomplished) a great deal in the last year. ( oba czasowniki achieve/ accomplish są używane wraz z frazami dotyczącymi ilości np. a Little/ a lot, accomplish jest bardziej formalne)
The company has achieved all its goals/ targets/ aims for this year.
(achieve jest bardziej popularne z słówkami określającymi cele czy ambicje, dążenia)
Do you think his plan will come off? (come off- succeed; nieformalnie- wypalić)
fulfil an obligation- wypełnić zobowiązanie
Go wrong/ backfire ( przynieść odwrotny skutek)
Plans and projects sometimes go wrong or backfire.
Fold/ go under (fold - informal)
Companies, clubs and societies often fold/ go under through lack of success.
To Falter
A plan or project may falter, even if it finally succeeds.
To come to nothing (spalić na panewce, nie wypalić)
All your plans and hard work/ efforts may come to nothing.
Have difficulty+ in + verb+ing
Find it difficult to + verb
I have great difficulty in getting up in the morning. I find it difficult to remember the names of everybody in the class.
It's hard/ difficult + to+ verb
It's hard/ difficult to hear what she's saying.
To have trouble + verb + ing
I often have trouble starting the car on cold mornings.
Have a lot of bother with
We've had a lot of bother with the neighbours lately.
To cope with (znieść, dać radę)
Can you cope with three more students? They've just arrived.
Can't cope ( nie móc sobie poradzić)
I've no money, my girlfriend's left me. I need help. I just can't cope any more.
Ambition (wypełnić, osiągnąć ambicje, zamiar)
a dream (spełnić marzenie)
an agreement (osiągnąć porozumienie)
a target (osiągnąć cel)
a compromise (osiągnąć kompromis)
a target (osiągnąć cel)
Failing and difficulty